Chapter 5

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"...So, what are you guys going to do?" I asked as I gave Skylar a coy smile. 

"Oh nothing..." she replied as she looked down at her feet, smiling to herself. "Just a dinner-movie combo..." 

I smiled wider as I shook my head. "Skylar Amiya Woods that is not just nothing! What movie are you going to see?? That one with Jack Black that's so stupid it's funny or maybe that one about that creepy stalker roomate or-" 

"We're going to see 'Tangled'..." she admitted as she cut me off, her face flushing. 

"...Tangled?" Seriously? 

She nodded as she blushed darker, admiring her orange shoe laces. 

"Isn't that a little... Childish?" I asked, trying my hardest to not facepalm. 

"Well there's nothing either of us really want to see so yeah..." 

I nodded. "Well maybe I can set up a-" 

Her eyes widened as her head snapped up, looking at me. "Oh no, you are NOT setting up, causing, and/or interfering in any way!" she interrupted. 

I frowned. "Why not?" 

"Because somtimes your plans don't exactly.... Work..." she admitted with a sheepish and somewhat sympathetic look. "I love you and all Nina, but please don't cut in..." 

I looked down to hide the hurt look on my face. "Fine..." I will find someway to help... 

"Nina..." Skylar started, or at least until my phone buzzed. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I saw I had a new message. 

Hey whats up? -Justin

"Who is it?" Skylar asked. 

"It's Beaver...?" I trailed off as I looked at her, confused. 

Skylar's look immediately went to guilt as she looked away. "Weird..." 

I frowned once again as I shoved my phone in my purse. "Skylar what did you do?" I demanded, although the answer was already clear... 

"Well I kind... gave him your number...?" Skylar answered quietly, the words rushing out of her mouth. 


"You what?!" I expressed, trying my hardest to not explode. 

"WelllIgavehimyournumberbecauseIthoughtyouguyswouldbegreattogetherbutIdidn'trealizehowmuchyouhatedhimsoyeah..." she explained quickly. Now how I understood her perfectly, well, knowing Skylar for as long as I have... you get used to it. 

She was about to start rambling again when I cut her off. "Hold up, so you're telling me to not butt in on your date, but you're trying to set me up?" 

Looking down, the blond nodded. "Sorry..." Skylar said, obviously guilty. Of course I wanted her to feel bad, but she was my best friend... Can't really do that to her without feeling bad myself... 

I sighed as I felt myself shaking my head. "Don't be... you were just trying to be a good friend... But I'm waiting, and you know that..." Waiting for Eric, that is

Skylar shook her head and frowned, looking up at me. "Nina, I don't think you should keep chasing Eric..." 

I frowned... again. If I kept at this my face would turn to a permanant frown. "Why not? I'm going to the dance with him..." Of course, he said we were going as friends, but he's been giving me signals that he liked me... 

She shook her head. "But he said friends, Nina. If he wanted more than that he wouldn't had said friends..." 

My frown widened. She was wrong, I know he likes me! He wouldn't be flirting back if he didn't like me! 

I was just about to state this reason when I heard a car's horn nearby. As we both turned out heads, I recognized the car to be her ride home, well since she only had her permit... But that's what amazing best friends- me!- were for! 

...Ok so maybe I wasn't exactly amazing, but it's better than her mom driving her around... 


"Okay well I guess I'll see you later then Nina," Skylar stated as we hugged eachother. 

I smiled and nodded as she started towards her car. "Text it up!" 

"You know it!" she replied as she looked back, holding up her cell. 

And on that note, she climbed into her car as I started towards my house, texting her about random stuff, like Cupcakes versus Muffins! (Cupcakes pwnz!!) 

But why would she tell me to forget about Eric


A/N: Hey guys sorry about not posting last week, usually I go to Jordan's house at least once a week but last week was a little hectic and I didn't get to go to her house. :/ 

On another note, my friends and I saw Never Say Never!! Dude, I was a non-belieber before that, but seeing what he's really like really change my perspective on him... I am now a belieber, just not a crazy or obsessed one. :) Now on the other hand, I can't say the same thing about my character Nina... :P 

So please please PLEASE read, comment, vote and fan!! 



Edit 3/2/11

Hey guys I'm sorry I didn't post last week... Again... I've kinda been busy with the whole "moving into a new house" thing... So yep! Just finished moving everything in and I hope it'll be easier for me to post now! :)

Not only that, but the reason this chapters is going to have all my emphasis words in CAPS anymore is because I just edited it. This was how it was intended to look like in the first place anyways. :)

Plus, we finally made 1,000 reads! EEEEP!!!! And I've come to the conclusion that people either just don't like my story in general or they don't like the fact my main character is a hater... Considering the fact I have I think bout 350+ people for Chapter 1 and then, like 175 (more or less) for Chapter 2. :/

But thanks to everyone who does keep reading it! It makes me so happy when other people read my works!

Oh, and P.S- those who read "Reasons to Never Have an Older Brother" is a chapter book... It's just a little bit harder to come up with chapter for that, so it won't upload as quickly... Sorry :(

Anyways, keep reading, please fan, vote, and COMMENT! I really want to hear what people think of this!

Luv ya! (And sorry for the looooong note!)


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