Chapter 18

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Skylar's P.O.V

We were all stiff with shock... To hear Nina's heart breaking from so far away... I-It scared me...

We were all here; Justin, Ryan, Chaz, and me... And we heard the whole conversation that Nina and Eric just had... To say we were confused, or raged, or even depressed, wasn't enough to describe the air around us.

Without uttering a single word, Justin slammed the doors to the entrance open and strode in. "Underwood!" he bellowed. To say he's pissed would be putting it lightly. I was pissed for that matter.

Eric turned his head towards us to reveal blood-shot eyes. So he does care... "What the hell do you want?"

Justin was walking towards the stage and started up the stairs.

I couldn't help but scowl at him. "You broke her heart," I yelled at him, a wave of emotions rolling over. Should I beat up that bastard, let Justin have all of the fun, go find Nina...? "You fucking broke my best friend's heart!" I started up towards the stage but a hand gripped my elbow gently. My head turned to see Ryan's eyes warning me. Not worth it Sky.

Why didn't you tell Justin that?? I argued back with my own eyes.

Did you think he would listen to me?

The sound of skin getting hit interrupted us as Eric hand covered his nose. Justin's chest was heaving up and down dramatically.

"Y-you bitch..." Eric said as he threw a fist. The result would give Justin a black eye.

"You broke her heart!" Justin shouted as they both started throwing upnches here and there. Chaz was almost up there by the time Ry and I started down.

"Hey! Justin, the bastard isn't worth it!' Chaz reasoned as he pulled him away. Sprinting up the steps, Ryan helped Chaz and I gave Eric an icy glare, fists clenched.

"Why would you do something so fucking stupid?!" Justin demanded, struggling against his best friends.

"I-I didn't mean to...!" Eric admitted, his nose bleed already starting to slow down.

"So you didn't mean to hurt my best firned?!" I growled. My fist took control as it landed on his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He bent over a bit, slightly wheezing.

"I-I not g-oin' to fight a-a girl..." Eric choked out.

My heel smashed his foot. "Then this should be fair," I replied.

I heard murmuring behind me as something was agreed between the three of them. A set of footsteps echoed throughout the theatre as the door slammed.

About to throw another punch, Ry's hand intercepted before it came in contact. He made me look at him. "Come on Skylar..."

"But Ry, he-"

"Not worth it," he told me as I let out a frustrated sigh. He was right and I knew it...

I lowered my fist hesitantly as I let Chaz and Ryan lead me out. I didn't even realize my hands were trembling with rage until Ryan intertwined his hand with mine.

"Where are we going?" I voiced, letting the chilled fresh air enter my lungs. It helped me relax at moments like these...

"We're going to let Justin find Nina and then he'll call us," Chaz answered. I could tell he was just as worried as I was for the boh of them...

Come on Bieber, work your magic...


A/N: Skylar's POV! XDD I couldn't help but add in something fresh, and this seemed perfect for it. I was thinking about doing Eric's POV, but I figured I would save that little refreshment 'till later. :)

Yeah, sorry this one is a little shorter. I did all of this last night before I went to bed so I wanted to put in the action and find a acceptable way to end it before I fell asleep. Although it isn't bad, is it? Any mistakes or confusion, you can always comment or send me a pm. I won't judge.

On the other hand, I'm getting better. And on another note, Unnatural seems to doing great so far! Let's see where that ends up... :D

So, as per usual, please READ, COMMENT, VOTE, AND FAN!!!!! XD

Thank ya'll!


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