Chapter 9

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Justin's P.O.V

"That should be me." God, how much I wanted to tell Nina that! Can't she she Eric doesn't like her?!

She's going to get her heart broken...

But what can I do?

That son-of-a-bitch looked over at me, a smirking gleam in his eye. Nina was smiling though... And that's the reason why Eric was still alive...

I sighed as I stuffed my hands in my pocket, starting towards my candy-red 2002 Mustang nearby. "That should be me, holding your hand. That should be me, making you laugh..." I murmured as I took one last look over at Nina. Her soft, dark brown hair seemed to be shining, even though it was grey and cloudy... A sparkling smile lightened up the world around her as it graced her soft, pale pink lips... And her blue eyes... Oh wow...

That should be me...

"Aren't you going to the dance tonight?" my  mom asked as I ifnished carving the steak for the both of us.

I frowned and shook my head, staring at the steak, even though I had already finished cutting it. "I would get swarmed by fangirls..."

"Mmhm..." a skeptical sound came in reply. "So basically some girl you like is going with another guy?"

I looked away, frowning wider. Damn. How do moms always seem to know? "How did you know?"

Mom smiled knowingly and shrug. "I was a teen once too... Now what's her name?"

I told her everything- the concert, the reason why I'm going to SJEHS, that ass Eric...

"So you met Nina- who doesn't like you- at a concert two weeks ago, and you want to go to Saint John the Evangelist because you want to see her more often... Plus you wanted to take her to the dance but this guy named Eric beat you to it...?"

I nodded in reply. "And he doesn't like Nina like she likes him..."

She frowned as she sat back in her chair. "Then why is she going with him?"

"Because she thinks he does like her..." I answered as I looked at my now-empty plate.

"Well," Mom started with a sigh, "there's only one thing to do when you're in this situation..."

My stomach sank as I saw the solemn expression on her face. "What?"

"You're going to have to show Nina that Eric doesn't love her," she answered.

A frown resurfaced on my face as I looked down at my empty plate. "So I should break her heart?"

Mom smiled softly as she sat forward in her chair again. "Maybe, but you can fix her heart Sweetie. You do it to millions of girls around the world, and I know you'll do the same to this girl."

I nodded as she picked up the plates and started towards the kitchen. "Now start getting ready, you're already late."

I set my clothes out on my bed as I grabbed my towel. I had black skinny jeans, a grey button-up with a black best that had blue and purple designs on it. I was saving it for a concert, but hey, love's a little more important, right? Plus, it matches Nina's dress...

And on that beautiful note, I walked into my bathroom and started my shower, letting the water warm up.

I heard a knock. "Justin? I'm going out for a couple of hours; Sherry asked me to come with her to plan next week's Valentine's Day part. Don't stay out too late and send me a text if Ryan or Chaz is spending the night."

I nodded as I slipped my shirt over my head. "Alright Mom!"

With an "I love you and be good!", I heard footsteps leave my bedroom and start down the stairs.

Time to create the magic to impress Nina...

I looked as myself in the mirror as I ticked off my checklist on my fingers. Clothes (with a bit of a shoe problem,), check; hair (a chick magnet!), check; and my voice (just in case I need to sing), check. And last but not least, the feelings needed to hurt Nina to save her,

definite check.

I heard a doorbell from the front door downstairs... Weird. Usually no one gets visits at ten at night.

"Wait a sec!" I started down the stairs and went through the living room to the front door. I opened it. "Can I help you-!"

My jaw probably dropped to the floor in surprise. There was the familiar sparkling dark blue dress that flatters her every curve... The brunette locks that I've come to love covered her face as she looked down...



A/N: MWAHAHAHA! THE CLIFFY STRIKES AGAIN!! So anyways... >:) Lolz, so yep, Justin's going a little cheesy on us. But hey, it's in the name of love, so what can you do? :)

Alright, so this is where all the real fun starts for me. :D Plus I already got up to Chap. 13 written and I think you guys will like what you're going to see coming up... Well, except Chap. 10... You guys may not like that... >.> Eheheh...

So, as per usual, READ/COMMENT/VOTE/FAN!!!!!!!!!

Up, up and away!!!!!

~TNT <3

April 3rd, 2011

Okay, and while I'm thinking about it, yes, I do know in reality Justin dosen't have a 2002 candy-red Mustang. I thought it would go with the story. That and the fact that's what my brother has and it's awsumtastic!!!!!

And, before I forget, we're almost at 3,000 hits guys! If someone had told me before I had posted this that I would get so many hits, I would've been like, "Yeah, and I'm actually Taylor Swift (lolz, no I'm not... But I wish I was ;P)." So thanks for all the reads! And like I said last time, and hope for many, many more!

Thank ya' guys!


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