Chapter 19

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I continued running. Running to get away; running to get somewhere. Where? I'm not sure, and I don't care.

You're being ridiculous, my brain told me.

I-I don't care.

People are going to look for you, it insisted.

They might as well give up now.

This is out of character, Nina...

Who really cares?! I argued back.

Skylar. Ryan, Chaz, Justin, even Eric...

My feet stopped as I stared across the street, not focusing on anything in particular. It- I mean, I (I think... this is a bit confusing...)- was right. As much as I wanted to run away from here, I had a life to live...

B-but... my heart started, whimpering, it's too early... You can't just spend so long loving someone and then have it all disappear like it never happened...

You can try, my brain argued.

I fell into hysterics as the rain started pouring. Something made my feet move once again as I cross the street. But now I was walking. It's weird how rain seems to drench you so easily... And adding that it's only February, the temperate dropped unexpectedly.

People gave me looks as I passed them. So after the fifth look of pity I kept my head down...

I heard shouting and the sound of puddles splashing. Knowing my luck, it'd be better if I kept walking...

"Nina!" Beaver shouted. Of course, I thought cynically. My stalker arrives...!

Keeping my eyes glued to the sidewalk, I continued to walk. I shivered from the cold water. I'd probably catch a cold... Oh well... My body was shaking from the sobs that tried to escape.

"Hey, are you okay?" Beaver asked, appearing beside me.

"Just leave me alone for once," my voice mumbled.

He stepped in front of me, halting me in my tracks. "Nina, you don't mean that."

I lifted my head up just enough to glare at him. "Y-you don't anything 'bout me, Bieber." He visablly flinched. "Now just leave me alone."

He frowned as he held me by my shoulder. "No."

I tried pulling away, only to end up even me frustrated. "J-Just go away!" I demanded, a sob escaping.

"I did not get a black eye just to have you push me away!" he exclaimed, causing me to look up at him once again. He was right; a dark purple bruise adorned his right eye...

"Then why did you get a black for me?!" I retorted. "Why do you keep being so nice to me?!"

"Because I care about you!" he shouted. I simply stared at him, shocked.

"I heard the whole conversation, Nina. Eric's a complete ass to try and get you back! He doesn't deserve to ever have feelings for you!"

Tears escaped as I looked off to the wide. "And y-ou ev-ven tri-ed w-warning me..." I choked out. Clenching my eyes shut, I tried to get a hold of my emotions. "Y-you were rig-ght the w-hole time..."

Something warmed was wrapped around my shoulders as I looked up. "I'd rather be wrong and have you happy than be right and have you hurtin'..." Justin admitted. I looked at his black jacket now place around my shoulders.

I bit my lower lip hard to prevent myself from sobbing. My breath came out quicker as I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing them to dry. I-I won't let myself cry...

"Nina?" Nina called, placing a hand on my numb arm.

My head shook back and forth. "Gi-ive me a second..." I ran hand through my hair, biting my lip harder.

"H-hey!" Eyes opening, I looked at Justin. "You lip's bleeding...!"

I gave him a half-hearted shrug, tears cascading down my cheeks quietly. Does it look like I care?

Pulling on the end of his purple long-sleeved shirt, he gently dabbed at the wound. "You-re too amazing to let yourself bleed, Nina..." He seemed complete focused on making me feel better... So tender...

My face flushed at the unexpected thought and comment. Where the hell did those come from?? "U-um..." I stumbled as I turned my head away. "Why??"

"'Cause I would rather not add bleeding lip on your list of miseries," he replied honestly.

Not if only Eric could say that... I thought miserably. I held Justin's jacket closer to hide the shaking.

"You're really hurtin'..." Beaver stated quietly to himself. Silence continued as I stared out into space, letting my imagination run wild for only a moment. The next thing I knew as I being picked up and carried in a fireman's carry.

"H-hey!" I exclaimed, beating on Beaver's back with my fists. "Put me down!!"

His frame rumbled as he chuckled. "Not until we get to the others. Until then, why don't you rest or something?"

I frowned as I pounded on back again. "I can walk!"

He stopped abruptly as I was sent flying to the pavenment behind him. Luckily, I landed on my left shoulder instead of my head. I squeaked in pain as my nerves tingled. "O-w..."

"Are you alright?!?" he asked anxiously as I nodded, beginning to get up. "I'm so sorry that guy just ran out in front of me and-!"

"I'm fine," I interrupted, rubbing my shoulder tenderly. "No harm, no foul."

Beaver reached to pick me up as I shook my head. "Come on Nina, you can sleep it off..."

That does sound kind of good... my brain reasoned as I let out a yawn.

Without my consent, he once again picked me up, this time bridal style. Apparently the simple suggestion of slumber was enough to make me feel drowsy. Something soft and warm was pressed to my forehead as I let myself fall asleep.

"Sweet dreams, Nina..."


A/N: Sorry it's kind of late! My brain tends to procrastinate at the worst moment... :| But at least it's up! XD

So boys take this note: fireman's carry? Big no-no. Bridal style? Yesh. :) Also, can anyone guess what was pressed to Nina's forehead? X))

And while I'm thinking 'bout it, I have a soccer tournament this weekend so I will probably not be able to post anything during then. I think I have, like, 5 games in two days. O.0'''' Wish me luck!

As usual, pleeeeeasssse READ, COMMENT, VOTE, AND FAN!!!!!

Thank ya's!


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