Chapter 6

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No... Sleepy time...


Leave me alone...!


I groaned as I opened my eyes slightly, trying to adjust to the light. My hand slammed onto my alarm clock, turning off the buzz-ing.


...Or not...

I grabbed my phone off my nightstand, only to see that I had 20 new messages. And unless I'm hallucinating, it was only 5 in the morning! On a Saturday!



Oh god...

BUZZ! Why can't I be left alone?!

Hey did you hear the good news? :) -Justin

I frowned and set my cell phone back on my desk. Of course he's going to the same high school as me...! Why am I not surprised? But right now, all I wanted to do was go to bed...

Setting my head back on my pillow quickly before anyone else could text me, I closed my eyes and the dreams began.

"Nina... Wake up..." a soft voice urged as I felt a warm hand on my arm and gently shaking it. "Come on Nina, time to get up..."

I groaned as I lazily slapped the hand away, mumbling, "sleep...!"

A soft chuckle replied to my reaction as a giggle resounded in the background. "But you still haven't answered my question."

I grumbled as my answer and rolled over, holding my pillow to my chest. "later...!" Hearing footsteps come closer, the chuckling continued.

"Come on sleepy-head it's already ten!" a more feminine voice exclaimed as the window's curtains opened, making the light hit my eyes.

I groaned louder as I covered my face with my thick comforter. "Nooooo....!"

With a push to my back I was sent to the floor, landing with a thud.

"Skylar why did you do that?!" a voice I now recognized as Beaver asked as the tapping of footsteps came closer to my body. "Nina are you okay??"

I opened my eyes to see concerned brown eyes looking back at me. "Nina?" Beaver repeated.

I got up a little too quickly, resulting in me headbutt-ing the teen idol in the forehead.

"Ow!" came the reply as I rubbed my forehead, frowning.

"That's what you get for sneaking into my house you stalker!" I answered as he felt his forehead, wincing as his fingers came upon the bump forming on his forehead.

"What are you talking about? Skylar invited me!" Beaver said as we both looked at the giggling blond in the background.

"Well the dance is in a week and we need dresses- plus, it's never to bad to hear a... second opinion..." Shylar explained with a sly smile.

The oh-so-loved superstar became confused as I sent her a look. Stop trying to play Cupid.

She shrugged innocently in reply. I don't know what you're talking about...

My frowned widened and I glared slightly. You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Beaver interrupted our silent conversation as he smiled. "So I get to tell you if you look good?"

Skylar's sly smile broadened and nodded. "Yep!"

He smiled to himself, staring into space. "Great!" came the enthusiastic answer as he zoned back into the conversation.

"Finally!" I shouted as I opened the door, climbing out of the red mustang.

"Geez Nina, it was only half an hour!" Skylar announced as she emerged from the back seat.

Beaver frowned as he opened the door of the driver's seat and climbed out. "I'm not that bad at driving am I?"

I was about to answer when a sound that sounded like a... stampede? resounded throught the mall's parking lot.

"What the f-" a shrill sound interrupted Skylar as I looked to my left and saw something that would in most cases give me a heart attack.


A lot of fangirls.

And let me tell you, only two words can describe facing a horde of squealing fangirls.

"Oh. Shit." Skylar muttered as she recovered from shock the quickest.

Yep, that pretty much sums it up.


A/N: And another chapter goes up! X) Hey everybody wazzup? So you heard the news about JB going to SJEHS.

Oh, and SJEHS stands for Saint John the Evangelist High School, a.k.a the school I made up for Pray. :) It'll give me a different atmosphere to write in, plus Beaver's catholic and so is Nina so I thought it would kinda fit. c:

I'm debating whether I should start posting every 2 weeks instead like I've done for the past 2 chapters... But I want to hear what you guys have to say first before I make my decision. Afterall, you're the ones that have to deal with this horrible story.

So, with that in mind, please comment below this story and tell me what you're thinking about Pray!

PLEASE read, fan, vote, and COMMENT!

Luv ya!

~TNT :)

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