Chapter 20

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Justin's P.O.V

I glanced over at Nina. She looked so peaceful; so content when she was asleep...

So why does she always run away?

My hands, which rested on the steering wheel, tightened around the cracked leather. Why am I getting so caught up in this anyway? I barely even know Nina!

That's not true, a voice whispered. You know a lot about her.

A sigh shook my frame as I shook my head. Not really...

Before I could argue with myself, I pulled into my driveway, only to find an unfamiliar SUV. Wasn't any of the guys, not Usher or Scooter... Huh...

Mom appeared on the front porch, happily chatting to two other adults. They looked kind of familiar... Looking over at me, mOm smiled and waved. "Justin! Honey, come meet the Andersons!" Wait...

Nina's parents?

My eyes darted to the slumbering beauty. Should I wake her up...? Eh, no... Let her sleep...

Time to make an impression... I thought silently to myself as I got out of the car. I began towards the group of three and put on a charming smile. "Um, hi, I'm Justin..." I put out my hand awkwardly as I tried to stay formal. "Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson."

Mr. Anderson's strong jaw stiffened slightly as he frowned, taking my hand in his and shking it. "I've seen you before..."

A nervous lump formed in my throat. That's what parents always say about me before I never see their kid again. "Well, um, I've been to your house before... sir..."

Mys. Anderson smiled wide. "Oh right! You were Nina and Skylar's ride to the mall!'

I nodded as I took in their appearance for the first time. It was obvious that Nina and Annie got their clear blue eyes from their mom and their dark, elogent brunette locks from their dad. What I couldn't help but wonder was why neither of them had her golden blonde locks, or his pointier nose. "Yeah, they bought dresses for the dance..."

Mr. A nodded silently as he studied me. "...You're too young to be famous..." he stated as I gave him a confused look.

"Uh... What do you mean... sir?" I asked nervously. I starting to think his penetrating gaze makes a lot of people sweat...

"You away your childhood to be exposed to the world..." Mr. A continued as the air around us seemed to dampen the mood. Mrs. A's smile faltered.

"I'm still a teen, Mr. Anderson," I argued, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. "I still play my daily dose of COD and crush on girls..." Like your daughter, for instance.

"Cough, cough, Yolanda," Nina added as she approached the group, rubbing her eye tiredly. The mood seemed to immdiately lighten up as a smile graced her father's lips. "Hey, why don't we go get you cleaned up? Your mom looks like she's goin' to freak out..." It's true. Mom's been glancing at my black eye repeatedly...

I nodded as I let her lead me into my own kitchen and grab a towel and some ice cubes. She handed me the make-shift ice pack and started dabbing at my nose with a paper towel. Her touch is so soft... so tender...

She placed a cool hand on my forehead. "Um... you alright?" I hadn't even realized my face was flushing...!

I pulled away and looked down to hide my pink cheeks. "Yeah, just thinking..."

"Sorry 'bout my dad..." she started quietly as she kept her complete focus on cleaning my face. "He can be a little..."

"Hard?" I continued. I thought a second before adding, "And thoughtful."

She gave me a knowing smile. Suddenly it seemed like Nina didn't even know Eric. "Made you think outside the box, huh?"

I smiled in reply. "You seem to be in a much better mood."

She blinked as she hesitated for a moment. "...I guess..."

"You'll find better guys, Nina," I promised as she connected eyes with me. That was a lot of things swimming in her blue orbs.

I hope you're right...


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for making you guys wait so long! I just couldn't seem to get myself to sit down and write until last night... And I kept dozing off while I was writing... But I wouldn't let myself sleep until I finished writing this chapter. So yeah, !DEDICATION! Lolz :)

I don't think I have anything going on this week, except for soccer, so you guys will probably see me on here everyday. And next week is moratorium so I get the 2nd to the 10th off! Writing palooza here I come! XDD

Also, I can't believe we're already at Chapter 20! I've used up over 50 sheets of loose-leaf paper to write up to this! And thank you guys so much for making this story go so far already! Can you believe we're not even to the middle of the story??? I can't!

Sooooooo, please, read, comment, vote, and fan!!!!!

Again, thank you guys!


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