Chapter 22

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Note: I put a song to the side that would go with this perfectly! :D ------> Plus, it's some of my favorite singers (although they don't have albums out (well, Christina Grimmie does, on iTunes xD)) and I thought you guys should hear them! 'Cuz they are AMAZING.

Enjoy! <3


Justin's P.O.V

I began clapping... Or at least, until I realized no one else was applauding. My face flushed along with Nina's as the sound died down.

"Alright, Nina, thank you for your audition," Mrs. Grimms said with a smile.

"Thanks," she squeaked out nervously. And with that, she left the stage.

And so the rest of the auditions continued; watching everyone recite their monologues while inside I was envious. I was going to audition, but Mr. and Mrs. Grimms both agreed it wouldn't be fair if I audition, considering I've been on television. So I'll be a director and understudy for whatever parts need it... Fun...

"Is that it?" I asked impatiently as Matthew Zobel left the stage. It was already 5:30! On a Friday. I'm all for being with Nina, but I don't want to boss her around...

Mr. Grimms nodded and smiled gratefully. "Thanks for being such a good sport, Justin. This musical's pretty popular, and a lot of kids look forwards to participating in it..." he started. My attitude softened at the concerned look on his face. He really cares about his students...

I nodded slowly. "Yeah, anytime."

Nina bounded over to me as I left the Grimms. "Well, that was scary," she admitted. I gave her a smile.

"Was it worth it?" I could tell she was wide awake, the anxious adrenaline pumping through her veins. Her smile reflected relief.

She nodded quickly. "Definitely."

I smiled wider. "Told you so."

Punching me lightly in the arm, she smirked. "Don't say that yet. I'm going to be working with some random guy for the next part of the try-out."

My heart plummeted to my stomach. "...What?"

"Well, they need a couple with compatibility to lead the musical. They can't have the main characters hate each other if they're supposed to love each other..."

Love... I knew for a fact that that  would come back to bite me in the ass later...

The next day flew by quickly as the anticipation level increased throughout the school. Seems like people here really cared about the musical... It was a nice change of perspective.

"I wonder who you'll work with," Skylar mused during our lunch period. "Maybe you'll work with an attractive musician with an uncanny talent for flirtatious acting?" Her knowing eyes met mine as she gave me a subtle wink. I felt the blood rush to my face as I continued chowing down on my turkey sandwich.

Nina made a nervous squeak as she nibbled on her salad. "Or some kid that has no acting talent..."

I felt a twinge of sympathy. She hasn't had much experience either, from what I've heard. 'I can always do it with you." I told the two of them about the decision Mr. and Mrs. Grimms made.

Nina pursed her perfect lips. "That wouldn't be fair... Besides, I couldn't work with you, Beaver. I'd get too frustrated..."

Skylar shot her a look as a thump was heard. Nina grimaced as she stared at Skylar, the two of them locking eyes. Confused, I watched their silent conversation.

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