Chapter 4

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"Hey man, what's up?" a dirty blonde with blue eyes and some... braces? asked as he patted Beaver on the back.

"Nothing much. Dude, you need to meet someone," Beaver replied as he looked over at me with a smile.

The mystery person smiled. "You mean-"

"Yep." Now what they were talking about, I have no clue. What I do know is that they were high-fiving and I was confused.

"Dude, this is Nina, the girl I met after the concert," he started, wisely choosing to avoid calling me a fan. Because I definately will never be a fan. "Nina, this is my friend, Ryan."

I gave him a friendly smile and a small wave. Hey, just because I didn't like Beaver didn't mean I had to hate Ryan (or at least, not yet).

He smiled slightly and waved back.

I smiled as I realized he was looking at my best friend. I wonder if...?

"Hey Skylar!" I called, beckoning her over. "There's someone you gotta meet!"

"Who is it??" she asked as she came over, but I thinbk her question was answered as her eyes landed on Ryan.

Justin smiled as I brought Skylar over to Ryan. "Skylar, this is Ryan, Beaver's (the Beaver mentioned frowned, but I didn't really care,) friend. Ryan, this is my best friend, Skylar."

Ryan smiled as Skylar gave a shy smile in return.

Wait, a shy smile?

That means...!

Awwww!  Skylar only has shy smiles when she likes someone!

And if my cupid-like instincts were right (which they usually are), Ryan felt the same way!


"Hey...." he greeted as he smiled wider.

"Hi...." she answered as she smiled wider and rubbed her arm lightly with the opposite hand. If those one-syllable sentences kept going that means they're going to end up going out. Yay!

"It's nice to meet you," Skylar and Ryan finished at the same time. That was so weird and yet so cute!

Skylar bit her lip slightly as the chilled air took a part in this soon-to-be romance. She shivered and Ryan immediately took notice (as guys should!)

"Are you cold?" Ryan asked as he already began taking off his hoodie without an answer.

Skylar blushed as she realized what was about to happen. "O-oh no I couldn't take it..."

Ryan shook his head as he smiled wider. "Don't worry about it," he said as he helped her into the green-and-white zip-up. "Think of it as a... 'glad to meet you' gift..."

He smiled wider as Skylar's shy smile returned and she nodded. "O-ok..."

So in other words, I was a "I like you," gift! I knew it!!!

I smiled wider as I watched the two lovebugs do their cute things. But that meant I should probably leave them alone and bring the Yolanda-loving Beaver with me...


I grabbed the said boy's arm and started tugging him away. "Come on Beaver we're going to the nice little beaver dam you live at!"

Beaver frowned as his eyes widened to a kind of panic. "Wait you're coming to my house?! B-ut-" he started to protest as I stopped in my tracks. We were far enough away so why would I keep going?

"Relax, I just wanted to give Skylar a little bit of time to work her magic," I explained as I frowned at him. "...You didn't think I was serious, did you?"

He looked down as he shook his head. "No, not at all," he answered quietly. "I was just... acting..." Geez, what made him so depressed all of a sudden??

I was just about to ask him what was wrong when Skylar came back with Ryan, giggling. (Already?? I think she's broke her record!) "Well I'll see you then I guess," she said with a smile.

Ryan smiled back and nodded. "Yea, what you said..." And with that, Beaver and Ryan left.

(Not to sound rude or anything, but finally!)

I turned to face my best friend as she smiled wide.



A/N: Okay, so I have almost 200 hits already! Yayz~!!!! Thanks everyone for voting and commenting and what-not, and I really hope you guys keep reading this and fan-ing me too. ^^

So got anything to tell me? What you wanna happen, predictions, etc? Just post a comment and maybe I'll make something happen... but only maybe.

Hope you enjoyed my latest chapter!

~TNT :)

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