Chapter 12

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I sighed softly as I turned the warm water off, feeling slightly better. Okay, so it did help me clear my thoughts, but they weren't exactly good thoughts... Let's see a couple of examples shall we?

Thought #1: Eric does not love me... And everyone and their mother knew. It's even worse when you spent four years hoping he felt the same way...

Thought #2: Rachel, Eric's reunited ex-girlfriend, likes to flaunt the fact that he's hers, not mine... And she knows that I like him!

Thought #3: Beaver's being extremely nice to me, even though I'm being a complete ass around him. What am I going to do??

Well, shit. Awesome examples, but horrible thoughts!

Several thumps, very loud thumps, interrupted my internal ranting as I looked around. Well, shit-again. No towel in sight.

"Justin?" I shouted hoping he could hear me, "Justin I need a towel!"

I pressed my ear to the door, listening (and hoping,) to hear a reply.

"Come on Justin!"

Where is he??

Alright, so, after about a good eight whole minutes of loudly knocking on the door, calling for Beaver, and feeling like an idiot the entire time, I've deduced that those thumping noises were Beaver running away.

So in the words of my older brother, Jason,

"Aw fuck!"

Footsteps, this time a lot slower than before, came closer to the bathroom door. "Nina?"

I shifted awkwardly. Well, this is going to be a little uncomfortable. "Can you get me a towel...?"

Considering I asked quietly, I bet he didn't hear me. "What was that?"

"Uh, I need a towel..." I was a little louder that time. The heat was already rising to my face. Well, you would too if you butt-naked.

"Huh?" Oh my God.

"I need a stupid towel!" Maybe that was a little too loud...

Cue the awkward silence...

"Uh..." And with that, the thumping of Beaver's footsteps broke the silence.

Um... What about my towel?

"Here." A soft knock warned me as the door cracked open and a hand magically appeared to reveal a light green towel.

Taking the towel, the door closed a minute later. Well, that wasn't so bad.

"...Thank... Really..."

You could hear the smile in his voice. "Anytime..."

That was... nice... The post-it note. Sure, they were big, but I didn't have any clothes other my probably ruined dress. So oh well I guess...

Setting the wet towel into the convenient white hamper, I opened the door. Only to have Beaver crash into my legs and make me stumble.

I frowned. "Um?"

Beaver gave me a lopsy-guilty smile. "You were singing... And you were amazing."

My face flushed as I frowned. "Is that surprising?"

Shock ran across his face as he shook his head and started to get up. "No of course not! Actually, it's a relief more than anything."

A relief? "How...?"

He smiled wider as he gently took my wrist. "I'll show you."

"Show me what?" But by the time I finally finished, I was being pulled downstairs to the living room. Just by the air around him I could see Beaver was happy about what he was about to show me.

Stopping at another set of stairs (how long has that been there???), Beaver faced me, a big smile radiating. "Close your eyes alright? You just gotta trust me."

With a frown, I closed my eyes.

Feeling my way down, Beaver continued leading. The floor was soft, so definately carpet. But we continued once we reached the bottom. A quiet, humming sound... Hm, computer maybe?

I was stopped as a squeaking sounded, indicating a door had been shut.

"Open your eyes."

Obeying, I opened my eyes to reveal a recording studio. The authentic-looking kind! "Geez!"

"Yep." With a big grin, Beaver gestured to our surroundings. "Welcome to my home.

I couldn't help but give him a look. "That sounded really cheesy."

Beaver sighed and nodded, still smiling. "Yeah... Sounded a lot better in my head..."


A/N: Awww, Beaver seems to always be smiling! So much better than his frown! Lolz, well surprise surprise! I wasn't sure if I would be able to upload this weekend, considering I got a soccer game today and tomorrow, and then I hoping to get a dress for May Crowning (a special 8th grade thing at my school) on Sat./Sun. Not sure what day yet.. But I hope you guys like the fact I posted a day earlier. :)

Also, until May 24th, it'll be a little harder uploading now that May's coming around... I got soccer practice/games, drama practices/rehersals/shows, and last and definately awsum, graduation!!! I am so excited!!!! So... yea, I'll be busy, but I promise I'll try my best to get on!

Thanks for listening!

~TNT <3

Pray (That She Loves Me)[A Justin Bieber Story]Where stories live. Discover now