Chapter 11

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Justin's P.O.V.

At first I thought this was a dream. Nina looked... stunning. Her hair was just wavy enough, the way it settled on her shoulders perfectly... Her dress complimented even more than before, if that was possible... She looked beautiful.

Except for the fact she was crying.

I couldn't see her face to see the tears, but I knew it anyway. The air around her seemed too sad... I already knew what was wrong.

Before she could protest, I took her hand into mine and pulled her into me, hugging her tight. To my surprise she didn'tresist at all, but she didn't really react to it. Eric must've really hurt her...

Pulling away just enough to look at her, I squeezed her hand. "What happened?" I asked softly, not wantly to pressure her.

She swallowed hard, clearly trying to hold back more tears. "J-justin?" It looked like she was still at the door, and I had just answered. Looking up at me, I finally took notice of the rain taking a toll on her.

Her hair was soading wet, her makeup smeared... The dress she was wearing was dripping onto my mom's nice carpet. Oh, and I was kind of wet too. So much for wearing this to a concert or award show...

But that wasn't important at the moment. I started towards the living room, not letting go of her hand once. Is it strange that my heart was pounding while I was holding her hand?

I sat down on the couch, patting the couch cushion next to mine for her to sit. She just stood there though, staring blankly at me...

"Uh, you can sit down..." I stated, feeling a little uncomfortable from the staring.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" At least she was straight-forward...

I squeezed her hand, my heart still pounding from the contact. "Well, if you sit down, maybe I'll tell you..."

She hesitated for a second, but slowly sat down, crossing her arms once she sat down all the way. "Alright..."

I wasn't sure whether I should be happy that she sat down, without me begging; or sad because I wasn't holding her hand anymore. So I did the latter and frowned. "Now you want to know why I'm being nice?"

Nina nodded, looking at her lap.

I used my pointer and middle finger to tilt her chin up. What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic. "Because I hate seeing you so sad..."

I could hear her swallow hard as a single tear slid down her cheek. "But why?"

Smiling to myself, I gave her a completely honest answer. "You're my friend, that's why."

Nina nodded and looked down. "Thanks..."

Nodding, my smile became bigger. "Anytime." Maybe something could happen between us now...

"Um," she started, interrupting my train of thoughts, "do you mind if I stay the night...?"

My action was hesitant as I gave her my answer. "Of course."

But she noticed my hesitation. "You sure? 'Cause I'll go to Tash'a house if you don't want me to..."

"No!" I replied a little too quickly. "Besides, I've seen your house, now I can show you mine..." Gee, you didn't sound stalkerish or anything...!!

But she answered with a weak giggle. A giggle! She looked down at her self again. "Maybe I should take a shower..."

With an another less-hesitant answer, I replied, "You can use my shower... My mom's not home so I can't really let you use her shower..."

She nodded in replied, getting up. "Can you show me where it is?"

My smile was softer this time as I nodded and started upstairs, hearing the click of her heels as she followed me.

"That's my room," I instructed as I pointed to the door with the big maple leaf covering up.

With another nod, Nina looked to the wall opposite of my room, where another door was. "And that's the bedroom?"

"Yep." And with that, Nina walked into the blue-tiled bathroom and shut the door.

As I heard the door lock, I walked into my room.

I figure Nina would need some clothes to change into, so walking to my oak dresser, I opened the top drawer. Socks and boxers.

Yeah, wrong drawer...!

Okay, so what's inside drawer #2? Peering into the drawer, I smiled. Shirts. Girls need shirts. I grabbed a black shirt with "Never Say Never" written on it in bold purple letters... That should work.

Be smart to get her some pants too... Unless she wants a skirt... thing... Wait, what if she wants shorts?? Ughhh why is this so complicated?! Justin, you're just stressing yourself out. Get her some sweats. No muss, no fuss, and shouldn't get you in too much trouble...

Opening yet another drawer, I grabbed grey sweatpants. Kinda baggy, yeah, but it'll work. I walked out of my room and sat the neatly-folded clothes in front of the door.

Then something occurred to me. Nina will probably be wondering how the heck clothes magically appeared... Probably should write her a note...

Absent-mindedly singing "DJ Got Us Falling In Love" by my man Usher, I went back into my room and grabbed a purple (yes, purple... They ran out of blue,) post-it note and a pen.


I thought you might want some clothes. :)


Setting the note on top of the stack, I straightened up, still singing...


Singing! That might help cheer her up! With that idea in mind, I started downstairs. Sprinting across the living room, I started down yet another set of stairs towards the basement, a.k.a my own recording studio.

A.k.a my sanctuary and outlet.


A/N: To those of you that have already read it, yesh, I had to repost it because of the outage Wattpad had for 'bout two days. When I could finally get back on, I couldn't seem to being this up, so I just decided to edit the story and retype all of it over again. Better that than waiting for a week to see if it'll ever come up.

To those of you that haven't read this chapter yet; *sweet smile* I hope you like the chapter! :)

Well I forgot some of the stuff I said in this last time, so I'll just wing it.

Long story short, I'm catching a bit of a cold. And it sucks... reallysucks. So I thought I might've been able to stay home one day and post an extra chapter or post Team B(est), or maybe write and post Reasons, but I didn't get to stay home... So yep, no extras... Sorry :c

And now onto the 3,000 and almost 4,000 views ground. Thank you guys, so SO much for reading this and voting and what-not. I honest can't beliebe we're almost at 4,000!!!!!And it's all because of you!!! So you all deserve a cupcake, muffin AND cookie!!!! *holds up giant tray of desserts* (Of course, I can't eat much of it because I'm working on losing weight, so will you guys help me finish it? Lolz ;)) Let's hope for more reads and votes and everything else goosh!

On another note, if you guys want to see Team B(est) get posted soon, (which basically means before the summer,) then just post a comment on my message board on my profile! If I get 15 comments I'll post it up! XD

Thank ya'll and much luvvv!

~TNT <3

(Oh, and sorry for the rambling... My "note" wasn't supposed to be this long...! ^^'''')

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