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I grap my phone and call Damon


It was hart to hear so i had to yell


He hang up and i knew he won't waist any time. I quickly walk to Elenas car and grap a hold of it so it won't fall. I could feel and see how bad the storm was getting. Elena screamt, i jerk my towards her and gasp. The door is open and she is hanging only by her seatbelt.

"ELENA HOLD ON TO SOMETHING!" She lookt for something to grap in panick. I was losing my grip. I sayt them to be fast, and just then Stefan and Damon lookt in horror.

"I CAN'T HOLD MUCH LONGER!" Damon joint me holding the car and Stefan went to save her.

"What took you so long?" Damon smilet but it didn't reach his eyes and i knew it wasn't because Elena was near death, it was something eles and i can see it. I look at Stefan when he is saving Elena. When Elena was in Stefans arms Damon ordert me to let go of the car

"Cece Let go off the car" I let go and join Elena and Stefan. Damon pulls the car on the road. But then something pulls me to the lake, some kind of force. I walk to the edge of the brideg. I hear that they are yelling my name but i can't to anything it's like my body has it's on will , it's like the water is calling me. So i jump down to the river.


I start coughing water. What the hell?

"She is alive!" Yells Ryan

"Thank god. I thought she diet" Ryan says worryt

"Diet? Did you know she is a vampire?" Damons asks confused

"Yeah, look it's hard to explain, okay?" Ryan sayt.

I open my eyes.

"What the hell where you thinking!?" Damon yellt

"Something was pushing me to the water" I defend myself

"Really?" Damon asks like he doesn't believe me

"Yes really!" I get up angry and storm downstairs

i go to the kitchen. I'm super mad at Damon, i almost died and he just yells. Tears are streaming down my cheeks. I just can't believe him. Then i feel someone looking at me, i turn around and see Damon.

"I'm sorry" he says, comes to me and wipes my tears away. We hug awhile. He kisses my hair

"I am really sorry. I just was so worryt and angry at he same time" He says against my hair.

I can't let anyone take them away from even if we sometimes argue or fight i can't be every to long angry.. We hug a while then everyone comes down and we brake it off. I walk to Ryan.

You alright?" He asks

I nod at the time the door bangs open and Klaus was standing there. I back away. Even if i am more powerful than an original, Klaus still scares the crap outta me.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask angry

"You and your powers" He points me

"Hell no!" I look at him in disgust.

"Il give you choices to choose 1.come willingly whit me

2. Il get you or 3. il send a powerful witch after you"

I laugh" A powerful witch! Hah! Don't make me laugh!"

"What will it be?" Klaus asks, and smirks like he knows what il answer

If he want's to fight me then fine, he's a BIATCH any way.

"You know what? Il rather fight you than go whit you, ya BIATCH!"

"As you wish. I warn you, you should start looking behind your back and be on guard at all times" And whit that sayt he was gone. Right away i got a weird feeling, a feeling that told me to run back to Florida. But i can't go. I have a feeling this fight will turn ugly. I walk to the living room and turned the TV on. Then i saw a girl whit Klaus. And that girl was.... was my daughter when i was a human i got pregnant. I gasp. No no no!

"Now that i have you attention, Cece your daughter will not survive if you beat me at the fight. Il let her go, but come to the mansion at 9 o'clock" He grabbed by my daughter and drag her away. How did he even find her?! I hide her so well.

I look at the clock. I have 1 hour. I run quickly upstairs. I take a necklace that was very dear to me and that gave me powers, so no one knows that. I run out and start walking to Klause's house. Half way il maybe run.


I walk in front of Klause's house and it was disturbingly quite, so i walk very slowly and quietly. I i turn't the doorknob i was frighten what i would find, but i opent the door and walk inn.

"Hello?" My voice echoes in the huge house, and my footsteps echo as well when i walk.

" you choose't well" Klaus was behind me

I jump and turn around "Where is she?"

"Oh she is safe, don't worry about her. Instead you should worry about yourself" His eyes where glittering

I touch my necklace and take a deep breath. "Oh really, so what are you going to do to me? Or should i say what will you try to do to me"

Klaus came right in frond of me and grabbed my arms tight, so that i couldn't move my hands. I was truly frighten because his look spelled torture and later death. I tryt to move my arms but i couldn't because my hands where locket in his grip. His lips turnt into a sadistic smile. I had a bad feeling but this all was worth for my daughter that was as strong as me but she has not found her powers yet.

"Klaus you can to what ever you want but don't you dare hurt my daughter"

First i thought this was a trap and they killt her but then i notice that i was wrong

"Of course, Eljiah is taking her home as we speak"

So i took a deep breath because i fear that it will be the last time i will take a breath, that i will see, hear, speak and walk ever again.


Sorry for waiting so long but i hope you like this chapter :)

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