28.My 20th birthday

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I scream. Holy crap! Omg! That was only a dream. I wonter why no one came up to see why i screamt. I shrug it off and went to shower. After i was done i put a mini red skirt, a red tank top, black high heels, blood red lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, earings and left my hair open. I look at the mirror. Jep, i look 20 but Damon aint gonna be happy whit this outfit. I take a deep breath and walk downstairs. When i got downstairs the doorbell rang. I open the door. Danny was there. He just stared me his mouth opent. I smile a little

"Um, Danny?" I look at him

"Give me moment" He speaks just and just

So i'm to sexsy, dam. Never knew that could happen. He breathed out, mutters something that sounded a little like Dam she is too hot and kiss't me. I wrap my hands around his neck. He draws me closer. We kiss in the door way until

"Ahm" Damon clears his throat.

Crap. We get away from each other. Damon stares at me.

"That skirt i will definitely say NO! Go and change that skirt!" He yells suddenly


"Just pleas. I do not want to be kicking and compelling all night guys just because they want to have sex's whit you and touch you!"  Damon says in a angry voice

"Okay okay! You win" I walk upstairs. I put a little taller skirt. Right above my knees. I walk downstairs.

Damon sights" Fine. That is better" I smile

"Happy Birthday Btw" He throws me my gift. Luckily i catch it. 

"Um thanks?" I open my gift and i see diamond necklace where was a picture of us three whit craving on it. I look at craving 

To my  beautiful baby sister. Who is growing up before my very eyes. I love you and i hope you like this. You and Stefan are everything to me.

I smile in tears. I run to Damon, hug him and kiss him on the cheek.

"Thank you Damon. I love you as well" I put the necklace on my neck.

"I will never take this off" And just then people started to come into the house. Jake, Jacob, Ryan, Ivy, Tony and a lot of more of my friends. All the guys mouths open't when they saw me. I run and put the music on. I can feel eyes on me so i turn around but see that everyone is talking and having fun. This is creepy.

"Cecee Kathy come" Some one wisper't. I walk out of the house and go look.

"Behind the house, Cecee" The voice says.I look behind me and then forward. What should i do? Should i go or shouldn't i go. Suddenly a pain wave came and i grip the handle. I open my mouth but nothing came out. I fall on my knees. No! I have to fight for Damon, for Stefan. I take breaths and turn my head at the door. Must get there The pain grow't and grow't. Il crawl if i have to but god il get in that house. I started to move. Every time i move it hurts. Tears where rolling down my cheek. I made it and when i grip't the door way. Then i saw Damon came out whit a girl. He didn't notice me. I grabbed his leg. He looks down at me and his face turn to horror and then murderess. He picket me up, who ever did this knows a lot about Angel witches. When he tropt me on bed, the pain still went on.

"Com on Kat, talk to me" He lookt at me.

I open my mouth but nothing came out. I have a feeling this someone wants me dead and he or she wont stop until i am gone. Well i am going to fight as long as i can. Suddenly a vision cam and i saw who was doing this. But how?! 

"Out...side...behin...d h...h....ous.." I take breaths and tell him.

First he didn't understand but when he got it oh he was mad as hell and his fangs where already out. I didn't scream but i wanted. I don't want to freak anyone out. I turn on my right side. I can't. I scream't. Like i scream't my heart out. Bonnie of course was the first one at the room, i must have look't horrible because right away when Bonnie saw me she gasp't . She ran to me.

"Jer, Danny, Matt and Ryan. Turn her on her back and hold her there" Bonnie spoke 

They nod. Jer and Danny grabbed by my hands and Matt and Ryan grabbed  my feet. I guess Bonnie read my mind because

"Stefan! Go help Damon. He's behind the house" Stefan just gazet at me.

"GO" Bonnie yellt. I think Stefan Wisht he could take the pain to himself and read my mind. He left.

"Bon....ni...e" I take breath. The pain was just getting worse by the minute

"It's okay. Don't worry." Bonnie smiled, then closet his eyes and raise her hands on top of me. OH GOD! My wings wanted to come out and my powers wanted to blow up the house. I close my eyes and grabbed my powers and my will.

BONNIE! TO SOMETHING! I guess she heard me because i felt peaceful. I sight  of relief. And the pain was gone as well. I open my eyes. I smile weakly at Bonnie. She smiled back

"Told you" She said

"You can let her go now" Bonnie said at the guys 

"Help me.... on sitting... position" Tell Bonnie. She helps me. I close my eyes.

Oh spirit of life, pleas grand me thy strength so i shall be healthy again. And grand the safety to everyone i know.

I pray and open my eyes. Bonnie gasps.

"What?" I ask a little frighten.

"Your eyes. Their....their.....blood red" She managed to say 

I open slowly my mouth and look if i have pointy fangs. I had! Crap! I cover my mouth. I never could be a full vampire, but now suddenly i am?! How the hell is that possible!? I slowly get up. I look at my feed. I take a step and suddenly i am outside. I turn around and stare at the house. How.... how can i be a full vampire now....

"CECE!" Damon and Stefan ran to me

I still had my mouth covert whit my hands. I look at Damon and then Stefan. Damon came closer and looks into my eyes. 

"Your eyes are red. Take your hands off your mouth" Damon sayt. I shake my head

"Don't argue. I know your scaret but you have to trust me. " He waitet

I slowly take my hands off my mouth.

"Now open wide" 

I open my mouth.

"Stefan, go get a blood bag" Stefan took one second before he stood whit a blood bag.

ÄÄÄÄ! I hate blood! Now i have to drink it.

"Here, drink. Tear it open and drink"

He gave me the blood bag. I stare at the bag in my hands  

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