15. You come back from the dead but then you go back...

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I open my eyes. Damon is asleep and he looks like he has cry't as Stefan. Why? I'm fine. I look around. I get up but then i gasp loudly. Damon and Stefan opens there eyes and they rush next to me.

"Lay down" Damon pushes gently.

I to as he says. They look me with there red eyes.

"Why have you guys cry't?" I ask. They just look at me. They look so... Their sad faces make me cry.

"Day? Stef?" I ask. They just stare. Then Stef sit next to me. And takes my hand.

"We thought you died, you didn't breath, you didn't even move at all" Stef broke at the last word. Omg they thought i would dye. I shake my head. Dummy's. But sweet dummy's

"What?" Day asks. I look at them like it is obvious.

"Guys, you ain't gonna get rid of me that easily" I smile. They smile a little. "See that's better" I point at them. I love when they smile. "Now you and you" I point at them "Help me up and we are going downstairs" They look at me like to say 'but your hurt' look.

"No buts" I get up with out there help. I walk to Damon hug him then i go and hug Stefan. Then we walk downstairs.

"MOMMYYY!!!!" Kelly yells happily and runs to me. I pick her up and hug her.

"I missed you so much" I whisper into her ear. I hear Jake and Danny talking and laughing sometime when they walk in. Jake sees me and stops.

"MOM!" Jake runs to me and hugs me. I hug him back. I put Kelly down. Danny walks to me and takes my hands. Then he kisses me. I kiss him back. "Don't leave me again" He whispers and kisses me one more time. I smile. "I missed you so much" I whisper to Danny's ear.

"You should rest some more" Danny says

"I'm fine, really" i say. It was no lye. I smile at them

"So, have i missed something?" I ask

******Klause's POV*******

They are going to bay for the mistake they did.  I WILL kill her and everyone that stands in my way! I bang the door open and walk to the living room.

"Niklaus, where were you? I was waiting you!" Rebekah says annoyed.

I roll my eyes. "Not now Rebekah" I walk bast her

"I know where she is and i know where Elena is to" Rebekah said

I turn around and run in front  Rebekah.

"Katherine told me, she is at the door" She said

I run to the door

"Ah, lovely Katarina" I say and kiss her hand

"Okay Klaus cut the crap, you'v been hunting me for 500 years and when you see me your nice, so what to you want and make it fast" She said

"Relax love, i just need to know where little Elena is and Cece Kathy Salvatore is" I said. Eager to go and kill them.

"What is in it for me?" She crosses her arms.

"I wont hunt you ever again" I simply say

"Alright deal, they both are at the Salvatore boarding house. And if you want to go there without seen go at midnight" And then she ran out.

Midnight i will attack.

*****Kathy's POV*****

I put Avril Lavigne Hello Kitty, for Kelly so she could listen. But then she wantet me to sing. And she wants me to sing a next song to. After i was done, i tuck her in and walk out. I walk down and see Damon, Stefan and Danny sleeping. I smile. They all look so cute. I walk to the kitchen, then i see a letter there. It says my name. I take it and start to read it.

Hello Love

I will come in midnight there and take you. Or you will simply come to my home before midnight and everyone you love will live. It is your own chose. I promise if you wont come, i will first kill your kids then your boyfriend, then your brother and lastly you. Oh and Elena Gilbert will dye also. So it is up to you. If you want you can put on a fight and we can see once and for all who is the strongest. I can't wait.

Goodbye love and i hope you will come here.

I stare at the letter. I can't believe this! I put the letter in my pocket. I walk to the living room, past the guys and upstairs. I go into Jake's room. I kiss on his forehead. Then i go to Kelly's room and kiss her cheek. I cry quietly. I walk to my and Danny's room. I have 3 hours till midnight. I take out piece of paper and a pen. And i start to write

Dear Damon, Stefan, Danny and my beautiful kids

I facet Klaus because i didn't want him to kill you. Try to forget me. Pleas try. I had no chose. It was really hard to write goodbyes to you. Damon and Stefan or as called you when i was little Day and Stef you where the best brothers in the world. It was really hard to watch your sleepy faces and walk out that door but i had to. I will always look from the above. And Jeremy can talk to me. So be safe and live everyday like it will be your last. 

Danny i love you and always will. You will do great with the kids. You are a wonderful father and you where a wonderful husband. Never give up on our kids or my dummy brothers. Specially Damon.

Jake, my sweet and handsome son. Take care of Kelly and your Dad. Remember the puppy you wanted well the dog is in your uncle Damon's Room. Don't let Stefan eat you little dog. You will grow up to be a good men and then when the time is right you will find your true love.

Kelly, my little sweet, angel. You will keep good care of your Brother. Your the only thing that holds everyone together. And the kitten you wanted? guess what? Your kitten is in your Uncle Stefan's room.

I love you all, goodbye.

I take that letter and i tape on the door. I open the door

I look for the last time at them and I whisper "Goodbye" And walk outside


So guys what do you think will happen? Will the book end on the last part, or will it continue? Will she dye or will she live? all to these questions will come an answer next month. Witch is pretty soon. Luv you guys bye!

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