42. Questions

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***Kathy's POV****

Stefan had called me and asked if me and Damon could come to the grill. It was a strange quest but we still went. When we sit down Stefan looks at me and gives me picture. I recognize the picture right away. My old friend and me 

I look at Stefan "Where did you get this?" I ask

"A guy gave me that. He actually asked me to give that to you"

I look at the picture and remember the promise we mate. That we would dig up one another and talk for days when we found each other.

"Kathy..." A whisper howls in the room. My head jerks up and that's when i see him

His beautiful eyes. One green and the other blue. In the old days they believed that he was cursed. But i think he was cute and still is. I smile. He smiles back. He shows that he want's me to come outside. I wink. 

"Guys i'l be right back"

I get up and walk to the back door right way when i open the door i am greeted whit a huge warm hug.

"I missed you" I whisper to him

"I missed you as well" Tony says back

I smile at him.

"Took you long enough, i thought you had died or something"

"No way! I had a lot of things to do"

"Things? Really? What things?" I cross my arms

"Just things but i'm here now ain't i?"

"You are. Come on. I'l introduce you to the others." I grasp his arm but he doesn't move

I look back Tony.

"I can't"

"Why not?"

He looks away from my eyes. I tilt my head and place my hand on his cheek.

"Tony. What's wrong?" 

"You love him don't you? Of course you do"

My heart starts acing. He still loves me. All of these centuries and he still loves me. I would just hurt him if i introduce everyone. If he sees Damon he would ace. Tony..... 

"Tony i---" Mid sentence Tony kisses me softly. I was surprised for a while, not understanding what to do.  

He then stops, looks at me and says 

"I will always love you. I will wait for you" Then he walks away

I stand there. I touch my lips. Tony....  Why does he even like me? I have Damon, right? I mean Damon loves me and he is my stepbrother in a way. But Tony... Tony and me have been friends for so long. Ugh! I have Kissed Kol, Jer and now Tony.  Why can't i choose?! Why can't my life be normal? I walk inside take my jacket and bag. Right away i run out of the grill. The others where yelling my name but i just ran. I ran to home

I run upstairs and when i got my room, i take my diary and begin to write.  

Dear Diary

Something happened today and that something is Tony. He is my friend from the 1800 century. And he is alive thus still in love whit me. He kissed me a while ago and now my mind is crazy. I don't know what to do anymore. I mean i have kissed 3 guys, 4 if you count Damon. And i really thought that Damon is the one. But now i'm not sure anymore. Maybe Tony is the one. UGH! I don't know!!!! I need help, i need to see what kind of future i can have whit all 4. Kol, Jeremy, Damon and Tony. What should i do?! If i tell Damon he might lose it and go on a killing spree. And then it will be my fault  when people die. Damon is my stepbrother as is Stefan. We then should lock him up. I do love Damon but i'm not sure on what level i love him. Sibling, friend or something more? What could it be? It's just hard to choose!! 


I close my diary. What should i do? There was a knock on my window. I look and notice Tony. My mouth opens. I shake my head and open my window.

"Tony. What are you doing here?" I ask

He was sitting on top of a branch. And lemme tell ya something. That is hooot.

"I...i came to see you. I saw your ran out of the grill so i followed you"


He nods

"Typical you. So what ya need?"

"Weeeeeel. Nothing actually. I just wanted to see that your alright"

"I just need to think some things that's all"

"Okay then. Bye" And in a flash he was gone

I sit on my bed and start thinking. My life is messed up. I found out about my true parents, my stepbrother the bad boy one loves me, now my old friend found me and is saying he is still in love with me, Jeremy loves me and Kol want's to date me. So what the hell should i do? Should i just choose? Runaway? It's unlikely to help me. The guys will eventually find me and then there will be sooo much questions and i am not up for that. I just need to choose. But who? Who will i choose? ARGH! I don't know! I need help whit this! But who could i talk to about this? Someone who understands, someone who has experience....Someone who had this problem.... But who could this person be? 

****Tony's POV****

What have i done?! She was happy whit her stepbrother/boyfriend and now she is thinking if she should change her chose and choose me. Why am i so stupid? 

I sight and sit on my bed. I look at the picture of me and Kathy. We were better that way. Her not knowing. Not finding out. Now she will think what if.... questions. What if we were humans and grew old together in the 1800 hundredths. Maybe i just should leave Mystic Falls and never come back. Just leave. No telling Kathy. Hmm....Or should i just talk to Kathy? Hmh. I lye down on the bed and stare a ceiling. Why did i ruin Kathy's life? I should just let her stake me so i would be in sleep forever or well until someone takes the stake out of my heart. I need to do that... Yep. 

That's when my phone rings. I pick it up and see that it some unknown number. 

I answer it anyway 


"Hey is this Tony?" A familiar voice says

"Oh Stefan. What's up?"

"How did you know it was me?"

"Maybe cas i remember your voice. So what's up?"

"Why did Kathy suddenly run out of the grill after she talked to you?"

"Why don't you ask her?"

And then i close the phone

I look at the mirror. Will my life come to the end now?


So here is another character of mine. How is the book so far? And i want to ask something else too.... Would you guys like a dramatic ending at the last chapter so you would be "WHAT?! What the hell is going to happen next?!" And all that. So you would wonder so long until i start doing the next part of this book. Sound good? Yes? No? Lemme know

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