9. Last day of school

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I woke up. I look at the clock. 6:00 am.

" Alright" I sight and walk to take a shower. When i was done i walk to back to bed. I look at the clock. 6:30. I was thinking that i could prank Damon and Stefan.

" Yes" I say and smile my crazy smile.

I hop out my bed and walk to my clothes. Hmm... Black jeans, a top and sneakers. Now let's think of prank. Hmmm.... Mess his room up? too boring. Drop a bocked of slime on Damon? Oh yeah! That's it. And A little bit of sparkled. Now i smile like crazy. I take my prank bag ( Yeah i have a prank bag, u will never what it's filled with XD) And run downstairs.

" Hey Kathy Bear" Damon said while mate me coffee.

" What's up ?" I say. Damon looks at me suspiciously.

" What?" I say, like i have no idea why he is looking me like that.

" What are you up too now?" Damon asks

I take bread and start eating.

" Seriosly?" I ask. I don't want him finding out.

He squints his eyes.

" I'm watching you" Damon says while pointing me.

I shrug. Prank 1 shall start now! I walk upstairs and set bucked of slime and glitter and pink color. There when Damon opens his door he will get a surprise. I look at my watch. 7:00 Okay.... I'l go to Danny's place.

" Bye!" I yell

In few minutes i was at Danny's place. I walk in. Danny pops his head from the kitchen door. I smile. Danny smirks.

" Hey" I say and kiss Danny

" Hey Angel" Danny says while smiling.

I look what he is cooking.

" Wan't some?" Danny asks while pointing at the fry eggs.

" I didn't know u can cook" I say

" Well i didn't have time to show you" Danny says while putting the eggs on the plait. Go behind Danny, Kiss him and walk away.

" Awwww man! why did teas me?" Danny whines

I turn around and wink. I contined walking.

" Beside, u look cute when whine" I say, i can hear how Danny chuckles.

" Well thank you" He laughs and says. I laugh too. I look at the clock. 7:40.

" Danny we are in a hurry" I say

" Okay i'l go put a shirt and shoes on." Danny smirks and walks upstairs. When he was upstairs, i watch TV.

" Alright let's go" Danny suddenly sat behind me. I jump a little. Danny laughs.

" Oh sorry babe, did i scare you?" Danny smirks. I get up and slap him.

" I'm sorry. Are u mad?" He did his puppy dog eyes.

" No" I smile

We walk out. We go in his car and Danny starts driving his car.

*At school*

" Cece!" Zoey screams

" Zoey for the love of god stop calling me by my first name!" I scream

Zoey laughs, i growl.

" Zo, i got a prank" I say smirking

" First don't call me Zo and second who are you going to prank?" Zoey says

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