13. Greaaaaaaatttt.....

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We where in Damon's car. We are going back to Mystic Falls. Danny is in Mine and his car. Stefan is with Danny. I look to the backseat, Jake and Kelly are sleeping. I smile. I turn Back.

" Kelly is beautiful. And i like Jake" Damon smiles

" Yeh i know. It's impossible not to love them" I say back

" How strong are they?" Damon asks gently

" As strong as i am" I simply answer

" Really? Well that's good" Damon says and nods

God i'm tired. I close my eyes.

" Kathy?" Damon

" Hm?" I ask, still eyes closet

" Have a nice dream" Damon answers

I smile and fall asleep

Next morning

I wake up.

" Morning mom" Jake says

I smile.

" Morning Jake" I look at the backseat

Kelly is sleeping in Jake's arms.

" We are soon at Mystic Falls" Damon says

I turn back

" Can't wait"

I look out the window. It's sunny. I can't wait to see everyone again. I smile.

" Hey mom?" Jake asks

" Yes dear?" Me

" Can we have a dog?" Jake asks a little hope in his voice

"Um... we have to think about that for a while" I say.

" Stefan will eat your dog" Damon says and smirks

I laugh.

" We are here" Damon

" Huh?" I ask confused

" We are at Mystic Falls" Damon says in a duh voice

" Riiiiight" I say like Jake said yesterday

Jake laughs. I laugh to.

" We are home" Damon

I smile. I get out of the car and walk to the house. I open the door. I try to go inside, but i can't.

" Oh com on!"

" What's wrong?" Damon ask worried.

" Can't get inside" I say

" What?!" Damon yells

Damon walks inside.


In 10 minutes they where down.

" What's wrong?" Bon asks worry't

" Hey Kat why aren't you and the kids inside?" Danny asks worry't

" We can't" I answer back.

Then Kelly starts to cry. Our heads snap at Kelly. I walk in front of Jake. Jake gives Kelly to me

" Shhhh... It's okay. It's okay" I soothe her.

" Bon let us in" I whisper. Cas Kelly fell a sleep.

" I can't cas i didn't put the wall" Bon says

I think...

"We putted the wall. We told you to not come back"


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