17. Death comes and love ones stay alone

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Danny looks little confused.

"Don't worry Danny boy, she may have a crush but she loves you" Damon says to Danny

I look at Danny and walk to him. I smile.

"Danny i love you" And i kiss him. He wraps his arms around my waist. I giggle. I sit on Danny's lap and kiss him. He kisses me back

"Öhhm" Damon looks at us and seems little angry. I kiss Danny and get of his lap.

I open my eyes. I look around. Dark. I sit up and realize that i'm in a dungeon of some kind. I gasp and run to the door. NO!!!

"Ugh.... Jak...e?" Kelly says

I gasp Kelly, Jake?

"Relax, Kelly. We will find a way out" Jake says

"JAKE!? KELLY?!" I yell

"MOM!?" They yell together

I try to rip the pars but they are covert with vervain. I try again

"UUUUUGGGGHHHHHRRRR!!!" The pars broke and i fell on my knees. I started to cough. My hands hurted. I get up and go to there where Kelly and Jake are.

"MOM!!!" They yell

This time i'l use my leg. I kick the pars door. They run to me and hug me.

"Are you okay?" I look at them.

"Did they hurt you?"

Then i saw something that i thought was not possible. My little 5 year old girl turned older and her hair turned white. She looked 18. I gasp. I wanted to cry. What happened to her.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Kelly asks

"You....you... you'r older than you should. You should be a five year old girl not 18!" I started to cry

"Mom, i have to tell you something. This started year ago" She says and then looks ashamed.

"Honey, why didn't you tell me?" I ask her

"I was scared of what you would have said and done" She looked sad.

"Honey, no matter what happens i , your father, your brother and your two uncles will always love you. Remember that" I stroke her cheek. She smiles.

"Um, if i have to remind why we are here, WE GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS PLACE; LIKE NOW!" Jake takes our arms and runs us outside. When we got outside, Danny was there.

"Danny" I whisper and run to him. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulls really close him and kisses me. We kissed for a while.

"Never leave me again" He whispers

"Never" I smile

He smiles back kisses me. I was in Danny's arms again. I smile while he hugs me.

"Dady?" Kelly asks. I looked at her. She is her 5 year old self again. This is weird, i have to talk to her when she grows fast again. Danny looks at her and takes her in his arms.

"Yes Angel?" He looked at her while smiling

"Daddy, i wan't to play whit uncle Day and Stef" She says so adorably. I smile to myself . Danny chuckles and Jake laughs.

"Alright lets go. We will be in 1..2..3.. We are here. We walk inside. When Danny put Kelly down, Kelly ran right in Damon's lap. I laugh. I walk to Stefan and hug him, i hug Damon too later.

"Don't to that ever again. You hear me? Don'T to that again" Damon pointed me and said.

"I wont" I promised but now we all are in danger. Fuck! Klaus is probably coming in any second. I ran in vamp speed to the door and open it. I look out side and breath deep. Soon it will rain and.... Klaus....is... mad.. I snap my eyes open and pam the door close. They all look at me. I walk to Danny and take him from the hand. I take him to the kitchen.

"Danny, Klaus is coming. And he is coming for them and me!" I say and cry the same time

"We have to do something!" Tears came faster. Danny walked really close and wiped my tears away.

"I wont let anyone hurt you or the kids" He promised and kissed me.

Suddenly i hear a pang. I run to the living room. Klaus broke the door down. I just stand frozen. When he sees me he smirks and aims me with something. I try to move but i just can't.

*DANNY! HELP! I CAN'T MOVE!.* I mind linked us and said that

In few seconds i was swept. I blink and see that Danny is on top of me.

*Thank you Danny*, i mind linked us again.

*your welcome babe* He said and went strait to Klaus. But i get there first. I kick Klaus and he fly's like 80 meters. But then he comes and stabs me in the stomach. I gasp but i have power. I put my hand on his side where his heart and let light come from my hand. Klaus yells of pain. And before he drops dead he tugs the wooden stake deeper and then he drops dead. I looked at my wound and touch it, blood streams on the floor and on my hand. I drop on my knees and stare at my wound. Is this it, will my end come after 146 years of being a vampire, witch, wolf and Angel, but i'm mostly i'm vampire. Then Damon was holding me and laying me down. He was about to take the stake out, when i said

"Da..y, n..n..no. It...it wi...il... b..e no you...see" I say between breaths. I started to cough. I know that he will to everything he can. And my birthday will be in 2 days. When i he rips that take out i gasp. I... i can't... fight...anymore...

"Da...y... I'm...so....tir..eyt" I say and close my eyes. Sleep everything will be together. He kisses my cheek and whispers: "I love you Kathy Bear and always will" Then came darkness

****Damon's POV****

She closet her eyes and smiled. Then her smiled fated away and she went limp. Tears streamed from my eyes. I started to cry looking her. Why did she have to leave us again but this time she left us forever... I didn't know what do think anymore....

*****Danny's POV****

She was still, she didn't move. I just stare and tears where coming nonstop.. She left me, she left us alone, forever.. why? why would faith take her away? Why did faith to this to me? She was the one who made everyone day. If someone was sad or in a bad mode, she new what to do. She was like the sun. Like the stars... She was the love of my life...

*****Stefan's POV****

She was limp, she didn't move or breath at all. I don't know if i can be  strong enough to talk to Kelly and explain to her what happened and that her mother will never come back. Tears come so fast. I will to everything i can so that she will come to life...

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