31. So who the hell am i ?

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The wolf was about to bite Damon when i grapt the wolf and the wolf fell on the ground growling at me. I snarl. My eyes turn as well. The wolf was about to atack me but i ninja kick the wolf in face. I landet in a badass way and smirk.

"Come at me and you will regret it" I dare the wolf

The wolf stared at me for a slight moment and ran out of the window. I straite up and turn around.

"What the hell?! A wolf scared of you" Damon chuckles

"What can i say, i am a total badass and many get scared of me" I shrug and laugh an evel laugh.

"MY GOD! A SECOND DAMON!" Steffan says in horror

I laugh then walk to Steffn and say "hello Brother" Like Damon did onece. The horror in Steffan's face was priceless, me and Damon laught. I held my stomeck and i squat. Dam it was funy.

"Heheheee...so...sorry...Steffan..." I say between my laughs

I hear Danny chuckle. I get up still giggling "I just so had to" I smile at Steffan, he just glared.

"Awwww Steffy!" I tangel around his neck

"Cheer up!" I smile, he just glares

"Steffy!!!" I kiss his cheek and YASSSS HE SMILET!!!!

"Yay!" I clap my hands like i did when i was little

Everyone smile't but then we heard her.

"Awww isn't this sweet" She has woke and is alive. I glare at Katherine

"Btw did you know you were adopted as a baby?" My eyes widen

"Oh you didn't? Oh well now you know" Katherine laugh't

"Lying bitch" Damon says

"No it's true. Got the document's and all that crap" I swallow, just staying quite.

"Who are then my real family?" She takes a paper from her pocket and gives me that. It wrote Petrova at the last name and oh boy was we all shock't. I look at her.

"Hey i'm not happy at all but now you can have the Salvatore boys, you know sex's and all that" She was just babling

"The eyes are because of the hybrid thing and the hair is collort. It's true, here" She lookt me in the eyes.

"Now you will remember everything" Every memories i din't know i had lockt up came rushing back. I gasp. It was true. They all now look at me. Tears in my eyes i run upstairs. All i knew about my life was fake. Danny held me while i cryt. How can i belong into her blood line?. I ask Danny to look if the memories were fake and when he did he sayt they are not fake so i cryt some more. I knew those feeling were wrong because we were siblings but....but...no..it can't be! Like someone had flipt a switch in me i stopt crying i get up, ran downstairs in all of the speed i had, i took Katherine By her throat and slam her on the floor. No one could even blink when i did that.

"Listen up bitch and listen good, if i belong in your blood line then i.will.make.your.life.a.living.hell. " I slowly sayt the last words

"Like you did for them all of these centuries so i would advise watch your fucking back, cas you aint gonna know when i will be coming" I snarl at her

I let her go and she was gone right when i let go. I felt Damon's and Stefan's gazes on my back.

"Yo Mom" Jason came in and when he saw the looks that Damon and Stefan gave

"What happen't?" He asks confused

"Um..I have to go pick your sister up then we can talk okay?" I smile

"Sure mom" He nods and walks away.

I walk out close the door and try not to brake. Deeb breaths! I walk to my car and start driving. So is my name fake then too? Well, we or me will snoop around soon to find out. I knock on Elena's door when i arrived.

The door opens my sweet Kelly "Momy!" She yells, jumps in my arms and kissis my cheek.

I smile "Hey sweety, had fun?" I walk inside and close the door

She nods "Jeremy was fun! And Elena playt barbies whit me!!" She talks happyly

I got to the living room and saw how messy it was. "Wow! Elena so sorry of the mess" I laugh

She waves" No worry" She get's up from the floor. I put Kelly down.

"Now gather your stuff" I tell her. She crawls upstairs

"Elena i need to tell you something" I say and rub my arm

She looks worryt "Katherine gave me this" I give Elena my birth records. The real one.

She looks shockt "petrova?" I nod

"So your not realaited to Damon and Stefan?" I shake my head

"Holy crap" She mumbels

"Stefan was only 5 years olders than me. Katherine compelled me to forget!" I say angry and cross my arms

"I knew she was evel but this evel. Who knew" She gives me the paper

"Hello sibling " I shrug

"And get this Katherine compelled me to dye my hair black when you could and that my eyes are only this collor because of me being a hybrid" I throw my hands up

"I mean com'on! Why does some one want to change me so much? Why go so much trouble? I dont get it" I sit down

"It is strange. Mabey someone wantet to keep you safe?" She offert

"Mabey" Just then Kelly and Jeremy came into the living room. I got up and smile.

"Jeremy helpt me" She gigglet her cute laught

My smile got brither "Well isin't that nice" I say

"Ready to go?" I ask

She nods so i take her, tell Elena to tell others and we drove home. Kelly ran inside whit her bag. I close the door after her. Danny kisst me right away.

"I misst u" He smiles

I smile. "Oh and the boys told Jason about everything" Danny warnt

"Well i am happy they told" I say and let me tell you what i felt again now that i had my memorise back and know something about me. Damon, dam sexsy beast as Stefan. I swallow. . Get a grip girl! Oh god, i can't love them. I notice that Damon lookt at me like...well like meat. He had lust in his eyes. Dam i'm not the only one. This is so messt up, but again like Katherine sayt freedom a whole lot. I mean who doesn't want to be whit them, i was whit them not knowing of my own feeling centures thanks to Katherine. So who the hell am i?


DUN DUN DUN!!!! She aint theyr sister only a relative to Katherine and Elena. Didn't know that would be coming would ya? ;) Hehe hehe hee. So she will do everything to find her family tree and hunt down her living relatives. This will be interesting cas first he will go on a trip whit Damon then Stefan and oh dear there will be very very interesting things happening

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