43. Having fun...i guess

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****Kathy's POV*****

I stretch in my bed and look at the clock. Wow i had a great nap. It's 6 o'clock. I take my phone and i see i have received many messages. Mostly from Tony and Stefan. And  a few from Damon, okay more like a whole lot!

I read all the messages. And holy crap there was a lot of "Call me now!" And "Where are you?"

I answer to all three. I send short text's saying i'm alright and that i needed some room. I throw my phone on the bed and walk down stairs. I make a sandwich and then back to my room. When i open my room door i jump. Because Damon stood there.

"Damon what the hell!? Can't you use a door!?"

"Hello to you do. I was worried"


"You of course"

I raise an eyebrow. 

"Had fun with Elena?" I asks casually

Damon actually went stiff. My eyes widen

"You did not!!" I yell at him

He looks away

"YOU DID!!!!" Now i am mad

"Get it through your thick head. She is not like Katherine nor she ever will be. You can keep wishing and if you like you can stay and wait for her to run to you, or more like switching the Salvatore brothers. But i wont be next to you fearing every day that when she comes you will take her hand and just say sorry to me. So let me make it easier for you, i am leaving and not coming back" I start packing

There was no movement and when i turn, i see Damon is not there. He left. Not even trying to fight my accuses. I look back at my bag. I sight. Now was that our brake up? Cas i'm not sure right now. But i'm guessing it was?....... UGH!

I pick up my phone and was about to call Stefan when my phone rings. I look and notice Stefan calling. Speak of the devil. I pick it up


"No! none of that!"

I laugh "What's up?"

"What are you doing?"

"Um, well i'm kind packing right now?"

"Really? Why? Where are you off to?"

"Weeeeeeeeeeelll, you could call it running away but you know about it so not that much of a running away"

"Don't move"

The line goes dead. And soon after there was a knock in my door

I go see and notice it's Stefan.

"Alright baby sis, talk"

We were at the living room and i had told Stefan everything. Even the kiss i had at the Grill outside, wit Tony. Stefan remembers him

"The Tony. Tony who has two different eye colors?"

I nod "Yep"

"As much i don't want you dating anyone he is better than any of the other guys" 

"What the hell do you mean by that?"

"Kol is a maniac. Jeremy is a Gilbert, a hunter. All Mikelson in fact are a big no. And Damon is your half brother like me "

"So Tony is good?"

Stefan thinks "I guess so"

"Yay" I clap my hands

Stefan shakes his head "That doesn't mean that i like him"

"But you were great friends in the old days"

"Yeah, in the old days but not so much anymore

"But why?"

"Because i don't do. Let's just trop it" First time Stefan says something like that

I will get the bottom of it if it's the last thing i do. 

"Hey Stefan, can you watch a movie with me? Pleas?" I do my puppy dog eyes

Stefan laughs and sits down "Alright. Horror movie?"

"You know it"

When we started to watch i lay my head on Stefan's lap like i did when i was little and we would often talk. We had gotten half way the movie when Elena runs inside and upstairs crying. I sit up. Stefan looks at the stairs helpless.

"Go after her. She needs you more right now than i do. Go" Stefan smiles a thank you and runs upstairs

I get up.

****Tony's POV****

I watch how she tells her brother to go after his girlfriend. Then she get's up and walks to the kitchen. She is beautiful. I know i shouldn't do this but i can't help. I always saw in our future that we got married. Like i have an actual gift, do look at the future, past, got it all. I can see ghost even. Well in a way i'm never alone. Because ghosts are everywhere. Put i would love to marry her..

****Kathy's POV****

I pick up a picture of Tony and stare at it. Hmm. He looks same as always. Same for over 500 years. I think i need to talk to him because if i don't i will lose it and well he will too obviosly.  I put the picture back and then i take my phone. I was about to send a text when i hear a scream upstairs. I get up and run upstairs fast like hell. When i arrive there i was greeted whit a man smiling at me showing his fangs and a blood tripping from his mouth. I think fast and hit him, then slite between his legs and push him downstairs.

"Biatch!" I yell and run to my room.

Okay time to play badass. I take my leather jacket, glasses and my boots. Just in case i grape my pocket knife and go find Elena and Stefan. I walk out of my room quitly like a mouse. I find a blood trail. Well as stupid as i am and interested, i follow the trail. It took me into a bathroom.

"Guys?" I whisper

I slowly open the door and get ready for what i might see. Was luck at my side? NO! I saw Elena and Stefan. They look at me and then i was pulled back

I see my attacker and start fighting. It's a dude. Again. Not having a lucky day.

"Elena! Stefan! Get the hell outta the house!" I punch the dude in the gut and take my knife. It had some vervain on it so that much luck i had.

I notice there came 3 more guys. I hate fighting but i looooove to kick some ass.

"Fine" I grumble and once more start fighting.

It was 1 against 4. Not fair but they aint thinking about that. They seem to want me dead.

"Anybody need help" Tony jumps and kills 2 dudes

"I had this" I commen

He laughs "Yeah, okay. Keep telling yourself that"

I shake my head and kill one guy.

"Okay, now it's 2 of us and one of them" I comment

We kill the last guy and sit down. A little tired but happy. I let out some steam at least

"Your welcome" Tony says

"Yeah, thanks i guess" We look at eachother and laugh


So guys, Who would you ship?

Kol and Kathy?

Tony and Kathy?

Jeremy and Kathy?

Damon and Kathy?

Elijah and Kathy?

Or someone elsse? Who?

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