20. Saving Damon , Stefan, Elena and Jeremy

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I open my eyes and cryt. Will that be my future? I look around

"Damon?" I yell. No awnser

"Stefan!" I yell, again no awnser

Oh no. Just as the witchis showt. I get up and quitly walk downstairs. I look around

"Light wings out" My wings came out of back and they where big and snow white. The house was dark, seemt embty and frekin scary. 

I close my eyes and say "Light i ask you to come and light my way around the house" 

Then i open my eyes and a white ball of light is floting on my hand.

"Damon? Stefan?" I ask again

"God and angels pleas don´t take my brothers from me. I need them to survive. I need them, so pleas, pleas save them if they are in danger or show me the way where they are" I open my eyes after my bray and see Stefans, Damons, Jeremy and Elena.

"DAMON!!! STEFAN!!! NOO" Elena runs to them

"Well il leave you that long when the quest are gone" Then Klaus leaves

"What are we going to do?" Elena says

"Don´t worry Cecce will find us" And the it look like lookt into my eyes

Then theyr gone. I run up stairs and take the blue dress. When i put it on they always say that i look like a goddes, then i put my hair down, blue high heels and a blue bag. And i take a mask so no one know who i am.

10 minuts. I arrivet to Klauses house. I walk in and everyone looks at me.

"Who is she?" i hear everyone saying

"She look like a goddes" Others say

Klaus frozent when he saw me. I look at him

"Well, hello. What´s your name my goddes?" He askt

Oh crap, i can´t tell him my real name

"My name is Nyx, the goddes of Night and Light" I say

"Oh. Well i am honert Nyx" He kisst my hand

Yess!!! He belivet it!

"May i ask what a goddes is doing here?" He sayt

"I Heard that My Night childs are in capture and in this house" I look around 

"What? Who sayt that?" He lookt confuset

"The Light childs. They showt me" I walk to the stairs

He lookt me in suspicion, he took my hand and busht me through a door, he came in himself and lockt the door. He shovet  me  down the stairs. Then i saw them. There they where, weak and tireyt. I ran to the bars where Damon and Stefan where.

"Damon! Stefan!" 

Spirit come to me and help me get them out. Fire come to me so that i can get us out of here.

Then i  opent the cell door. But then Klaus closet it. I turn around. He walkt up and then he was gone.

I touch Damon cheek and i felt how life was going into his body. I did all that to Stefan Elena and Jeremy. I sat there tireyt.

Spirit, Fire, Water, Earth and Light come and make me strong. Help me in a battel that may be my last but let winn. Pleas, i just want the world to live in peace.

I look how Damon, Stefan, Elena and Jeremy wake up and look around, then they see me.

"Cecce!" Damon ran to me

I get up. I hug him

"You look beautiful but what are you doing here?" Damon askt

"Came to get my big brothers and theyr friends" I smile. When Damon and Stefan heart what i sayt they both smilet.

"Well, how are we going to get out?" Elena asks

"I´m thinking" I look around the cell and then i spot keys. I walk to the Cell door, put out my hand and close my eyes

"Keys in my hand" I say and then open my eyes, i see how the keys are flying to me like someone is pringing them.

"Now we can get out" I smile and wiggle the keys. 

I open the cell door, and oh man i wantet to just sit in my room and be a normal teenage. Jeremy ran next to me and took my hand, i smile at him. He smiles back. I touch the door and close my eyes. I see Klaus walking past the door many times whit his brothers and whit other women. I open my eyes and look at them

"No possibility, Klaus walks past the door every friking time" I look around

"Is there any other way out?" I ask them

"Not that i´v seen" Jeremy looks around

"So the only way out is the door" I touch the door handel and then shake my hand. 

"SON OF A------" I yell and bow and shake my hand

"What´s wrong?" Jeremy askt

"The goddam handel is covert whit vervain and wolfspain" I shake my hand

"Mix togheter it will be deadly for young angels, but i´v been and angels for a long time so that wont kill me" I still shake my hand when i tell them

"So what does?" Elena askt

I look at her. I shake my head "Ain´t gonna tell" I look at the door up and down.

" I think the handel is only cover whit vervain and Wolfspain" I touch the door

"Jup, all clear" Hmmm, how the hell am i gonna open the door. I got it! I run to get my mask, then i tye the rippons and get ready for the show.

"U all go there and act like you can´t move, like something is holding you againts the wall" They get ready but not knowing why

"KLAUS!! OPEN THE DOOR! I AM THE GODDES OF NIGHT AND LIGHT!" I saying in my so callet "goddes voice"

"OPEN THE DOOR OR MY CHILDER WILL OPEN" I hear Klaus walking to the door and opening it

"Wise choice" I tell him

"I know you are not a goddes but u only look one" Klaus lookt

I point Damon and the others. Klaus looks and is stunnt

"How are you doing that?" Klaus asks

I smile and walk to him. I pring my face close to his, incis away of his. He looks me and then my lips

"I am powerful" I whisper, then get away from him. I put my hand in a fist, then they fall on the ground.

"We will go" I pring my face to Klaus again "And you will let us go or you will feel such pain that you have never ever felt in your entire life" Then we leave the house


to be continued in the next chapter

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