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I walk't looking for Stefan and soon i found him at the woods.

"Stefan!!!" I yell for him but he just walks

"Stefan!!" I yell again and grap his arm. He struggles but then gives up. He wraps his hands around me and cry's.

I never have seen Stefan like this, only times where when i was hurt or Damon when we were humans. I soothe Stefan. I stroke his back, god i want to go back to the house and kill Elena. But i hold myself back and hold crying Stefan.

"Shhh, it's okay Stef" I stroke his back

I force him to look at me "Stefan, don't cry pleas. You know that i will cry myself if you cry" I wipe his tears away and look at him, my heart breaks at the sight of him.

He nods looking at the sky. I shake my head slightly, that's Stefan for you. He often looks at the sky when he is sad or is thinking. Like me.

"Com'on" I pull him to a rock and we lay there staring the sky

"I don't care what anyone says, you are my little sister" He pulls me close and i rest my head on Stefan's arm.

"I know Stefan" I smile, i notice how he smiles when he looks at me

"What?" I never take my gaze of the sky

"You look so beautiful when you are happy. I love seeing you happy" He strokes my cheek

I giggle "I love you Stefffffyyyy!" I do my high happy voice sound like when i was little

And i notice his smile widen. "I love you as well Kat Bear" He says my nick name

I smile myself. We just stare at the sky together live we did when we were human.

"You forgave me pretty quickly" Stefan suddenly says

I look at him "Yeah, you were scary when mad and when i saw your hear broken face when you saw my crying i forgave you and i was no longer mad when you started to cry in my arms" I tell him the truth looking into his beautiful green eyes.

"Yeah.. Sorry for hurting you"

I shake my head "No i am sorry for not telling you"

We then again look at the sky in silence. When my phone started to ring i look at the ID. Damon. I press ignore

"Gimme you phone" I tell to Stefan, he looks confused put gives me his phone. I shut the phones off.

"Let's go to a lake house" I smile and Stefan nods

We got to the lake house. My own lake house what i build my self. We stay't up talking and looking at the sky till 3 am. And then we went to bed.

In the morning i get up and make some coffee. When i walk bast Stefan's room i stop and peek in. He is sleeping. He looks so human, i smile and close the door quietly. I turn my phone on when i was waiting for my coffee to be ready. And booooy was there a lot of missed callas and lot of messages from Damon. I glare at the messages.

God and i thought Damon can't get any more stupider but i guess i was wrong. I mean who kissise their brothers girlfriend, especially when your brother is your little brother. That is a big no no.

I read the messages and scoff. Stupid Damon. He is a poor excuse to all big brothers. I put my phone down and pour some coffee. When i got a sip my phone started to ring. I answer it knowing who it is.

"What?" I ask angry

"Com'on! You can't still be mad at me for the kiss?" Damon asks

"Actually i am. What kind of a big brother are you?! You hurt Stefan! And when you hurt him you hurt me, he cryt. He cryt not being able to stop. You and Elena broke his heart!" I yell at him and then hang up. When i look up i saw Stefan standing there.

He walks to me and wipes my tears away that i didn't know i had.

"He was an ass but i need to get over it, mostly you"

"Stefan he kissed your girlfriend! He should never be forgiven!"

"So i should be mad at him all eternity?" Stefan ask

"I could or i could just forget and when the least he thinks i would bring it up, i will" I saw hint of anger in his eyes

I smile slightly and then sight "As you wish Stef" He flashes his smile

I stroke his cheek "I could torture him" I shrug

Stef laughs "Don't bother" He takes my coffee and start to drink

"Hey!" I playfully glare and take another mug

Then i saw him holding his phone "Stefan why?" I point at his phone

He shrugs "Gonna turn it on" And that he did

I shake my head, Stefan forgives to easily but again he is the good one. He is the good Salvatore. I just study him. While he looks at the texts. Damon is an ass.

"You know i can pretty much guess what your thinking sooo...." He trails off and i smirk, then i wiggle my eyebrows. Stefan laughs

"Yeah well i know that you agree whit me" I say in matter of fact tone

Stefan nods "Well yeah, Damon is a total ass that's for sure" We both laugh and then Stefan's phone rings. I roll my eyes

"Katherine number 2 is calling" I say in a mean voice

Stefan glares at me and then answers the call. He walks outside so that i wouldn't listen. I'm not that mean.

I think. Yes i am. I am dam mean when i want to be. I look at the glass door and see Stefan coming back in slightly angry. I sight.

"What did Damon do now?" I cross my arms

"Nothing actually, only bought you a dress and then sayt to Elena that he doesn't love her... Want me to go on?" Stefan looks mad

"No need" I shake my head

"Why would he even buy me a dress?" I ask confused

"Klause's mother is holding a pig party"

"So you haven't told me anything?" Now i was a little mad at Stefan

"We wanted you to enjoy at least one night whit out worrying" Stefan now looks at me whit those worry't green eyes

I smile "Oh Stefan, that's so sweet." I hug Stefan

Stefan hugs me back. Then i look at him "Back home?" I ask, but i know the answer

He nods. I smile.

We gather our stuff and were on the road soon. It didn't take us long. Pretty soon we were home. I slept most of the way

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