3. Famly is inportent

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But Derek is the opposed...

" I HATE U! U WILL NEVER GET ME BACK!" I yell't. Before Derek can do anything Damon runs and tackles Derek. Derek's brothers walk in front of me.

" We are so sorry from not believing u" Mick says

" Don't worry" I say and hug both of them

" U two come see me whenever wan't" i smile and say. They take Derek and they are gone.

" U Okay Kathy?" Damon asks, walking in front of me

I look. Oh no. It's dark. That's when my wings come visible.

" Um.. If u don't want to see my Angel wings, then go" I say

" Say what now?" Damon looks confused

" U will see. But pleas don't freak out too much" I drop on my knees. And my hair, eyes and clothes are changing. And wings crowing from back.

" Damon---" Stefan

Dam it. 1...2...3 I'm done.

" Holy crap!! " Damon looks at me

" Pleas don't be scared" I begg't him

He just was starring.

" I can explain" I say't

" What are u?" Stefan ask't sock't

"Well i call it Vamenwiwo" i say

" What?" Damon asks amused

" I now it sounds weard" i smile

I need to show them the book

" Stefan can u give me my bag?" i ask

Stefan nods and takes my bag

" Thanks" I smile

I take out the book. Okay breath Kathy, it's a wrong time to have a vision! I give the book to Damon.

" What's this ?" Damon asks confused

" Open the book" i look

What if i hold Stefan's or Damon's hand will i see a vision. I walk in front Stefan and take his hand. He look confused. Then the vision starts.

***** The vision*****

I see Derek about to kill Stefan. I don't wan't to lose him.

" Derek! No! Pleas!" I shout at Derek same time there are tears streaming down my cheek.

" Why not?! Why can't i kill him?!" He asks me. Well it's day time so i can't use my Angel self. Only vampire self, witch self and wolf self. I can use them. Okay moment of truth.

" Let's fight if i win you leave us!  " i yell at him

" And if i win i wan't either u or i kill them" he says to me

Tears are coming now faster. I'l kill my self if i use my witch self. But i have to do this. I take a deep breath.

" Deal" i say. i hear a weak Damon and Stefan saying no. I walk over them.

" I may get killed but at least i wont lose u two and at least i wont see you two getting killed" I say to them and crying the same time. I give them my blood, i huge them the last time, i kiss there cheek the last time... I will die i know that. I walk to the battle field and look for the last time at Stefan and Damon...

****** End vision*****

I drop on my knees shaking and crying. I'l lose them. They will lose me. At my Birthday.

" Hey What's wrong" Stefan asks worry't

" Brother look" Damon says Stefan.

They now know.

" Kathy bear?" Damon asks me, looking me. I nod.

Damon runs at me.

" Why are u shaking and crying?" Damon asks

I guess i have to tell them.

" I saw a vision" i say

" A vision?" Damon

" A vision of Derek making u two weak. He was about to kill Stefan , so i say't no. He say't why not. I say't let's fight. I knew i would win Derek but to only kill myself." I say.

They freeze, not saying anything.

" And that all happened on my Birthday" I say to them.

" What?" Damon whisperer

" First i find out that my sister is alive after 145 years and now i'm going to lose her." He says

" But how did u get a vision when your a angel right now?" Stefan asks.

" I would love to tell u but i'm tired. I'l tell u tomorrow" I tell them coming up.

" Alright. Com on" Damon takes my bag and starts to take me to a car.

" Um.. first i don't fit in the car cas of these wings and second where are we going?" I ask a little confused and tired.

" Home" They both say.

Home... that sounds good. I give them a weak smile and force my wings to go inside.

Stefan seats back and i seat back to. I put my heat on Stefan's shoulder and fall a sleep....


Tell me if u liked it and what would u want to happen. :)

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