Other Half

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Searching for you in all the wrong places. 

Wondering if we'll ever get to meet 

On a first love basis.

I've gone to the mountain tops,

Searched in the valley drop,

But still have come up empty. 

These other choices seem very tempting,

But I know they only want that one thing.

So I'll wait, using divine grace

To keep my heart at a steady pace.

For when that day comes,

I'll need the energy to celebrate.

"I have feel the strange vibration
And I had a lot of patience
But where is my other half?"

"I have feel the strange vibrationAnd I had a lot of patienceBut where is my other half?"

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Heyyyyy there 😅. I feel like it's been forever.

Hope you're well.  This was loosely inspired by Where's My Other Half? x Tim Maia

Also shameless plug😌, I'm working on something new, a lil love story, called Until I Didn't. It's up on my profile, check it out plix 🥺

As always, lemme know and see you in the next one, besos 😘 💖

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