Dark Clouds

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Dark clouds loom constantly overhead, heavy with rainfall and waiting to release the pent up water it stored from many miles away. Perhaps for many weeks, days or hours. 

The dark clouds constantly circle around, heavy with its rainfall and yet never releasing. It never finds the power to. It only rolls with thunder and flashes with lightning.

It has been this way for a time. The clouds slowly crept in day by day and soon it became a storm. A storm that was always brewing but never spewing out its contents. They move in search of a host, a willing participant to receive their downpour.

The dark, angry clouds continue to roll with thunder and flash with lightning. Soon they find their host and wait to unleash the powerful tempest that has now been created. Their host, quite unsuspecting but still aware, feels the presence and tries to get away, but the clouds have become one with the host.

The host is soon trapped as the dark clouds have gathered all around and has swallowed them whole. The host unwillingly accepts all this tempest has to offer and is faced with the task of releasing it's great burden, only they can't.

The dark clouds no longer loom overhead but now dwell within, constantly churning and still waiting. The burden is too great, too heavy and full of despair. The host finds a way to carry this burden around and not a difference is noticed. It goes on daily, a storm brewing inside of them but never spewing its contents. It only grows stronger each day.

The host soon reaches a point of refusal. Refusal to carry this burden, refusal to move forward with it and refusal of its stagnant nature. With a great scream, the host releases the tempest in a downpour of tears and violent shakes of the body. Hands go to cover the face but nothing can stop the sounds that escape. 

Earth shaking sobs and soul shattering screams accompany this storm.  This goes on for days a time in order for it all to be released. When the host is done, it is depleted and no longer a vision of its former self. The storm has done its work. 

Dark clouds no longer loom but the feeling still remains and the damage has been done. The host wonders if they'll ever be the same again. 

¡Hola! ¿Como estas? Estoy así así 😕

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¡Hola! ¿Como estas? Estoy así así 😕

Anywhooo, do you ever get that feeling of everything hitting you all at once? Or that ish is just too much and you don't know what to do with what you're feeling, except just...cry. This piece was kinda inspired by that. I haven't had release yet though 😶.

Leave some thoughts and see you in the next one 💖

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