Three Queens pt. 1

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The group sell to the abbey and look around.

A kind monkey runs toward them and stops in front of them with a kind smile, "Peace be upon you, travelers. Have no fear - my cloister is... sympathetic to your cause." Prior Andreo told them with a smile. 

"Um Hello. We're looking for Queen Anna." Sally tell him unsure as she looks around the area.

"You seek Queen Anna? She is in the tower overlooking the grounds." Prior Andreo tells them.

"Thanks little guy." Rachel told him stoically before walking ahead.

Warwick follows soon after while Sally turns back to the docks, she notes a familiar boat, but it looked empty and destroyed.

She goes to walk over to it but Warwick calls out to her. 

Sally decides to ignore it for now but felt worried for the 3 inhabitants who she knew owned that boat.


"Gah! Who let these... creatures in here?" Queen Anna asked aghast by the sight of Rachel, Sally and Warwick.

"Highly offended by the donkey looking queen." Sally whispers to Rachel to which she snorts in agreement and amusement.

"Queenie Eleanor sent us here." Warwick said kind of fed up the disrespect.

"Forgive, young pirates - you startled me! The last thing I expected to see were giants come with word from dear Eleanor." Queen Anna apologizes relaxing.

Sally zones out and looks around as Rachel and Warwick speak with Anna.

Sally spots a familiar silhouette running past them. A smaller one and a dog shaped one follows shortly behind.

Sally smiles a little, "Jim..." She says softly. She turns to Rachel, "I'll be back." Sally tells her before rushing in the direction Jim, his little brother Ruka, and their dog Omari.

Sally rushes after them and does a swift flip and jumps so she's in front of them, blocking their way.

Jim pulls out his sword ready for a battle but relaxes when Sally lifts herself from her crouched position, her hat no longer blocking her face from Jim.

Jim puts his sword away and smiles in relief.

"Geez Sally, trying to give me a heart attack?" Jim asks amused. Ruka and Omari smile up at Sally who chuckles amused.

"I can say the same for ye." Sally tells him. He tilts his head in confusion.

"I saw yer destroyed boat at the docks when me and my crew docked." Sally tells him. Jim lowers his head his hat casting a sad shadow over his eyes. 

"Yeah, we were attacked by some stupid Monquistans. Apparently they don't like Dogs. Or Pirates." Jim told her.

"That may be our fault." Sally said scratching the back of her head, she removes her captain's hat. "We help the crown only for them to turn their back on us immediately. We took down their forces when they attack us." Sally tells him.

Jim lifts his head and chuckles, he goes to say something but the sound of 3 stomachs growling catches their attention.

Jim looks down at his baby brother, who gives a sheepish smile before Ruka looks down at Omari who sadly hangs her head.

"I'm guessing the last stomach was yers then?" Sally asks amused.

"We've been stuck on this stupid island for a few days. They refuse to serve us despite me being willing to pay." Jim told her.

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