Chapter 2

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- Bakugou's POV -

We finally reached the stupid doctor's office. it wasn't as big as i thought it would be, it was actually fairly small. I looked over at Shitty Hair, to see him asleep.

I took out my headphones and packed them away in my silver gray backpack, Kirishima had lifted his head off of my shoulder, and was now looking around. I watched him, and silently chuckled to myself.

Kirishima's eyes caught the doctor's office outside the foggy bus window. He climbed on top of me, to get a better look. I slightly blushed and poked his face, "Get off, shitty hair, you wanna go inside uninjured right?". I guess he took my hint, because he jumped off of me and grabbed his bag, which was identical to mine.

I watched as he pushed past racoon eyes and round face, to get out of the bus.

- Kirishima's POV -

I heard a loud 'shwee' sound, as the loud bus pulled to a stop. My eyes fluttered open, i looked around seeing my classmates getting their belongings together, I looked behind Bakubro, to see a doctor's office with bright shining words sitting over the bright blue door, they read, 'therapy and second gender's'

I pushed past Uraraka and Mina, and I wanted to get out and see as fast as I could. I was the first person in the office and the doctor ushered me out, saying that it was supposed to be alphabetical.

I pouted, and waited for my name to be called. First Aoyama, Then Mina, Asui, Bakubro, Hagakure, Iida.. and a few others. Then finally, it was my turn!

I stumbled and ran into the doctor's office. A different doctor then the one that has pushed me out earlier, this doctor was tall and skinny, with light orange freckles and snake like hair. 'Medusa' I thought , cracking a small smile. The guy told me to sit on a nearby examination table. I walked over and flinched as I felt the cold metal hit my legs. 'i shouldn't have worn shorts..' i thought with my eyes clamped shut.

The doctor sat down on a stool on wheels. And glided over to me with a clipboard in hand, "hello, my name is Haruto Kaito, and i'll be your doctor for today."

He first asked me simple questions such as "how are you" and "what my friends acted like", I first described Bakugou, "well my best friend has blonde hair. and uh.." I stopped to think. "Keep going," Kaito urgerd. "well, he's very manly! and he looks mean, but he's really nice!'' I saw the doctor scribble something down making a "mm '' sound indicating he was still listening.

He looked up, "can you give me an example of when he was nice to you?". I thought for a second. 'why isn't anything coming to mind..' i said in my head. Then, one single time came to me. Kaito must have seen my face light up, "Go on" He smiled.

"This one time, i got really sick.." He nodded. "and Bakubro came, and he took care of me" I smiled feeling my cheeks warm up a bit to the thought of Bakugou. 'Huh? what was i thinking!?' I jolted out of my thoughts, when I saw the doctor look into my eyes.

Then he closed his eyes and smiled as he did two small dimples appear on his freckled cheeks. "Do you mind if we take some blood tests?" He asked me politely. I was taken aback. 'Blood tests..?' I remembered the sight of a needle. I quickly put my hands on my head as if I was shielding myself, "n-no!" I whimpered.

I heard the doctor chuckle, so I opened my previously clamped shut eyes. "Don't worry, we aren't actually going to take any of your blood, it's part of the test to see how'd you react." He said, giving me one last smile. I exhaled. 'phew..'

"Okay, Kirishima! looks like we're done here. Once we're done with your classmate's we'll give the list of second genders to your teacher okay?" I nodded, suddenly remembering my excitement. He opened the dark wood door so I could exit, and I gladly took my ticket to leave as I left the doctor's room. I looked around the waiting room only to see all my classmates that I noticed hadn't gone.

I felt a light pat on my shoulder and turned to see who it was. Aizawa sensei. "Kirishima, your other classmates have already boarded the bus, I suggest you join them. '' He muttered as a stray strand of his messy hair fell into his eyes. I quickly grabbed my space gray bag and hurried onto the bus.

I took my seat in the back next to Bakubro, he was asleep, I put my hand on Bakugou cheek and softly caressed it. Smiling i layed on Bakugou's shoulder. All I could think about was the results. 'who am i..'


Xams says:

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll try and update every day! maybe every week. make sure to write a comment. I love to reply and see them!! Who is Kirishima gonna be? -looks at the story title- oh yeah.. most of this was Kiri's POV- and i hope i did a good job with the doctor.. i had to make it original lol..Love you guys!

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Omega. -Kiribaku-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang