Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: i do not own MHA or any of its characters

-Kiri's POV-

I awoke in a thick layer of sweat. What the heck, was that. I couldn't say his name, he disappeared right in front of my eyes. Who replaced him again..? Bakugou. I needed to talk to him. My legs pushed my body upwards, and slowly put one foot in front of the other. Still uneasy from both the dream and the sudden lack of sleep it caused. My eyes gilded there way toward my alarm clock, which shone in the inky darkness that had flooded my room. 12:07 the clock read. My mind raced from the time to my dream, to... I paused. To Bakugou.

My door creaked open, my light footsteps flaunted their way over the wood, shiny dorm floors. Even though I needed permission to actually exit the school grounds, I moved myself outside of the dorms. Just to get some fresh air at least. The cold air hit my face with an unexpected blow or maybe.. It was more of a rushed gush. I chuckled to myself, for I also needed at least some laughter because of the heavy dream that had landed on me. I felt as if, maybe.. I maybe went too fast with my relationship.

The realization hit me. I had only just met this person, sure i thought he was manly and all.. But ever since my dream I'm starting to notice that he didn't actually seem all that friendly. His face flooded my mind. Dark tan skin, a hat covering his eyes, and the snarky look on his face when I bumped into him. His tone wasn't all that friendly either.. I hadn't ever dated anyone before so I actually don't know how to break up with someone either. Then out of the sudden, his crying face hit my mind. As a hero in training, no. as a human with just even a shred of common sense.That image overwhelmed me. I didn't want to make anyone cry. Especially, even if he is toxic, my boyfriend.

The lush grass fluttered effortlessly in the seemingly breezy night blow. My eyes became tired, as if it were telling me to lay down on the moss green grass I was standing on, and fall asleep right there. I didn't know what I wanted at that moment. I had always figured I'd just do it later. But can love really wait..?

-Bakugou's POV-

My emotions still swirled inside of me, almost like a storm that was kept inside the boundaries of a simple wooden box. Standard but durable. I answered to myself, inside my head. Kirishima had stormed off just moments before, he was ranting to me about his new boyfriend. I usually would have been my regular mood of cranky, because you can't date someone you just met. But since it was Kirishima, I don't know, something about it felt strange and unknown.

Hearing the door slam in my face was a surprise, I had always thought that the redhead had looked up to me. I was the all known manly bakugou after all. My eyes seemed to go dull, my stomach was being flooded with butterflies and my head was a mess of emotion. Confusion, rage, sadness, and more. Seeing how the way I reacted would have upset any decent human being. The emotions that were swirling inside me were more than enough the cover for that.

I had always felt that being called 'gay' or whatever, was bad. Especially after that stupid deku came out. Because I did not want to be anything like him. But even before I though of gay as being bad, or the nerd, came out. I had always looked at girls and heh- I kinda always gagged in my head. I would always tell myself I would never want to date that.On the other hand, In grade school, for a very short period of time. Everytime I would look at another boy, I would imagine them in my arms. I tried everything to stop it, I even asked my friend to help set me up with girls. In the end I had failed. But now.. Now everytime I think of Kirishima, my heart skips a beat, the butterflies in my stomach grow and my face begins to grow warm. Was I, gay..


Xams says:

Woah- is Bakubro gAy-? Why am I asking that, ofc he is. BUT GOSH- I FEEL SO BAD WRITING KIRISHIMA LIKE THIS- HE'S ACTING SO DEPRESSED LMAO. Anyway thank you for reading chapter 10 of "Omega." have a wonderful 24 hours (*^-^*)

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