Chapter 7

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-Bakugou's POV-

I layed in bed that night thinking about what had happened the day before. I had hugged Kirishima and wouldn't let go. I scoffed. How did I become so grossly gay. Then a picture flashed in front of my eyes for just a millisecond, Something that I had peered at only through the corner of my eye. Sh**ty hair's sad face. It was so unbearable, the way his eyes would suddenly droop and his sharky smiley mouth would go limp, just to complete the devastated look.

Sighing, I quickly turned over smashing my face into my hard, cushiony pillow, that I would usually sink effortlessly into at exactly 8 pm. Why won't he tell me anything? Am I being rough..? I had always known that I had anger issues despite ignoring it half my life, I had always known that I was going hard on the stupid nerd.. But ever since I met that ugly shark, I-

My thoughts were interrupted by someone bursting into my small U.A. Dorm. "Bakubro!" Kirishima laughed. What the heck does he want at this freaking hour. "What do you want?" I snapped at him, mostly just grumpy from the lack of sleep from the thoughts that roamed my head. I watched as Kirishima opened his arms wide, as if he was waiting for something.

"Sh**try hair?" I tried, hoping to gain just a pinch of context. Kirishima locked eyes with me, as before his eyes clung to my creaky wooden, dorm floor. "Don't you need a hug?" He muttered, with barely any power in his voice he sounded like he was the one who needed comfort. With a small scoff I got up and slowly wrapped my arms around his body, accepting his open arms.

"Why would you like my hug kiri?" I breathed into his ear, sounding as if my hugs were great knowledge being passed down to the next generation. He didn't pull back from our 'manly embrace' to make eye contact with me and start chattering away. Instead he stayed clinging on to my shirt and still trying to pull me closer, as if he was desperate for something he couldn't get. I somehow managed to pry him off of me after another good 7 minutes of hugging. "What is wrong?" I say slowly and surely sounding, serious. Kirishima hesitantly opened his mouth as the first words from Kirishima since our nightly encounter started to stumble out.

"I went out to go get some teriyaki, after Aizawl Sensei left to go get midoribro." He paused, as if he were thinking if he should say what came next in his short story. Continuing again, his already frowning face somehow filled with more sadness. "And uhm.." The boy struggled. I watched in dismay. "I haven't exactly told sensei yet, so can you please not tell him?" Kirishima mumbled with little hope that I'd agree to his proposal. Huh? He hasn't told the teachers? What is going on.. "Sure, whatever" I voice, giving off a colder aura than usual. Can't let him know i'm worried about him and his dumb stupid face. I growled at myself on the inside. I need to know what was going on..


Xams says:

Hello Hello HeLLoooOo! I know you guys love my cliffhangers just so much, I hope you actually did enjoy Bakugou's POV. This chapter originally wasn't a cliffhanger, but I decided that i should cut it short :) which means chappy 8 is gonna come out early~

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