Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: i do not own MHA or any of its characters

-Midoriya's POV-

Both Kacchan and Kirishima-Kun have been acting weird lately. I overheard some of my other classmates talking about how Kirishima-Kun got a boyfriend, and that Kacchan was mad? I'm not really sure what I heard, but I do know that Kacchan is way more mad than usual. For the past, I don't know, week or so? Kacchan would very much literally stomp out of his room, shove breakfast down his throat, and scream while brushing his teeth. I didn't even think that was possible, but kacchan proved me wrong.

In class it was even worse. Kacchan wouldn't answer any questions, even when Aizawa Sensie asked him to. He would actually scoff at our teachers. Our teachers!! I needed to find the cause of this. Out of habit I went to Iida and Uraraka, My best friends, for help. Iida shook his head at me. "Midoriya, as class representative, I always want our class to be a safe and peaceful place. Although Bakugou is disturbing it a little more then usual does not mean you have permission to invade on the personal aspects of his life." I turned to Uraraka with a look that read 'please help.' Uraraka looked at Iida, and her face scrunched up a tad bit. "Deku.. I really want to help you, I do! But Iida-" she took a pause and sighed. "Iida is right" I looked at her with pure dismay. Did they not care for Kacchan? I had ignored Iida's words about not invading his privacy, and pushed forward with my mission.

On the way to Kacchan's table at lunch rush, I bumped into Todoroki-kun. "Hey Midoriya," He bellowed in his usual monotone voice. "Hello, Todoroki-kun!" I replied, happy to see his face. "Where are you going, our lunch table is over there" He pointed toward a nearby table which sat, Tokoyami, Iida, Asui, and Uraraka. Two empty spots. "I was actually heading over to Kacchans table." Todoroki looked away, which was a pretty big signal that those words made him uncomfortable or distressed. "What's wrong Todoroki-Kun?" I asked, noticing the uncomfort on his calm face. "You sure do care for Bakugou," he said trying to crack a smile, but failing. I then realize the cause of his discomfort.

Todoroki-kun and I had been dating for maybe 3 and a half months now, I had started to notice that whenever I talked about kacchan he got more and more uncomfortable every time. "Todoroki-Kun, you know I only love you right? I just want to make sure Kacchan is okay" I reached out. Todoroki-Kun smiled and took my hand, with his free one. "Your sweet Midoriya, I'm glad you're mine." He breathed. My face turned pink at his comment. "I-I better go ask Kacchan if he's okay now," I said, accidentally stuttering. "Okay." He said once more in his monotone voice. I glanced over, and saw Todoroki-kun walk away. He sat down and started eating his soba, while watching the others laugh.

I turned back around and advanced to Kacchan's lunch table. I find him accompanied by Mina, Sero, and Kaminari. But no Kirishima. I worriedly looked down at Kacchan. Mina seemed to notice me because she jumped up and put two soft pink hands on my uniform covered shoulders. "Hey, Midoriya! A little jumpy today aren't cha'?" She laughed. I chuckled nervously in a response sort of way. Sero looked my way. "Did you need something?" Sero asked, flashing his familiar sero smile. "U-uh, yes actually." I mutter holding up my index finger. "Huh?" Mina says poking her face in front of mine. "I just had n-noticed that Kacchan has been extra Kacchan-y lately and Kirishima hasn't been around him much. '' Kaminari turned to me. Kacchan had earphones in so gladly he didnt hear me.

Kaminari lunged forward almost toppling onto Mina, but shoving his finger to my lips. "Do. Not. Talk. About. My. Bro." He hushed, a menacing look crowding his face. "Mpmhh?" I tried to speak through the force of his finger. He pulled away slowly, hesitant. Exhaling, I asked "Why, what happened?" Mina's face scrunched up, but Sero's mouth is the one that opened. "Kirishima got a boyfriend, Then Bakugou and Him fought." Woah. Kacchan and Kirishima.. They fought? I couldn't seem to get words out. Mina glanced at me. "Yeah, I know right? It's so weird." She sighed. Kacchan suddenly looked up to go put his tray away, when he met eyes with me. He yanked his earphones out. "DEKU!? WHY ARE YOU AT MY LUNCH TABLE YOU NERD!?!?!!!" He raged chasing after me, until I was hiding under a desk in a nearby classroom. So that's what happened huh..? I couldn't grasp my head around it. But I just had to keep investigating.


Xams says:
I actually have nothing to say (.-.) I really hope you enjoyed Midoriya's POV, make sure to comment any questions, any thoughts, or just say hi :) Have a wonderful 24 hours!

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