Chapter 6

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"-rishma, Omega." Aizawa Sensei said calmly, almost as if he were expecting it. I felt a woosh of penetratingly cold blow, hit my scarred skin. Omega? But.. I looked over at Bakugou. His eyes weren't cold, but the blood red that overwhelmed the color of his eyes had been widened into a soft surprised look directing its way and me. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and turned to see who it was.

Todoroki had switched spots with Kaminari. I turned and latched my arms around him not saying a word, the silence lasted for a brief second more before Aizawa Sensei started up again. "Your still the manly you, Ei" Kaminari whispered into my ear. I interley shuddered as I could feel his breath fall out onto my ear and neck. Kaminari was right, I was still manly! Another hand patted my shoulder. "The dumb second gender doesnt actually mean anything accept for love reasons and stuff" Bakugou murmered, shifting his face into what he called a smile. Bakubro really doesn't know how to smile does he? I smiled at him, preferably 'showing him how it's done'.

Aizawa Sensei coughed saying 'hurry up I don't have all day brats'. I shook my head and looked forward at him, as all my peers did. So, I was Omega huh..? I continued to think as Aizawa called the other's names earning more and more reactions.

"Koda, Beta" I looked over at the animal lover we called Koda. He was turning bright red and hiding his face in his hands. I guess he really doesn't like being Beta. Mina stroked his back. "Hey Koji, that means that you don't stand out!" She gleamed. Koda squirmed more, in a 'I still wanna hide' manner.

My eyes wandered around the room. Then I realized. Midoribro was next! My eyes gripped his messy, tangled broccoli hair. Todoroki wasn't sitting next to Midoribro anymore, due to him switching seats with Kaminari for me. His normally calm and relaxed face had evolved into a face full of worry. I followed his abnormally colored eyes to an even more anxious Midoriya. Turning to Bakubro I whispered "Bakubro, do you think Mirdoiya might want to mate with Todoroki..?" Bakubro crooked his head and cringed at me. "Sh**ty hair, what makes you think that, that nerd and icy hot are gay." "Uhm.. well," I struggled to reply. They do hang out alot.. "Besides being gay is gross, it would bring our entire class down" Bakubro laughed waving a hand in my face.

My eyes widened and panic was being poured into them. Im gay. Would bakubro really not like me anymore, what was our manly embrace then- was it just a joke? My breathing picked up speed, I quickly slowed it down when I noticed Bakubro's mouth open into a slight 'o' shape. "Midoriya, Beta." Aizawa sensei called.

I suddenly forgot my feelings of shame that Bakugou had brought upon me and leaped up to comfort Midoriya. Todoroki was already there, I saw Midoriya crying. I've seen him cry before, but nothing like this.. Midorya ran out with Todoroki closely trailing behind.

Aizawa sensei sighed. "I knew someone would end up in tears." "We'll continue this tomorrow, im going to find out what's wrong with our problem child." He muttered sighing once more. Then it hit me. Bakubro still didnt know I was gay, and from the looks of it he hated gays. I'll just keep it a secret for now, not like he would care anyway.


Xams says: Hello Hello my dear readers! I'm very sorry this took so long to get out. I procrastinated big time on this chapter. Is Bakugou a homophobe? Or is he just hiding the fact that he is gay himself-? Poor baby Midoriya. He wanted Omega so badly :( make sure to comment your thoughts down below! Ilysm, have a wonderful 24 hours~

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