Chapter 15

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Disclaimer: i do not own MHA or any of its characters

-Kirishima's POV-

I really couldn't believe what this day had given me so far, A break up, Seeing Bakubro crying, Confessing, Having Bakubro return the feelings. My body shivered in pleasure at my last words. "Okay, Everyone." Aizawa Sensei called clapping his hands lightly. I looked up as he had grabbed my attention. "So today you're going to be saving those dummy's out there" Aizawa Sensei pointed to UA's giant pool as a white dummy was slowly lowered into it. "Oh, That seems pretty easy." Mina and Kaminari said jinxed. Sero laughed and started to say "Jin-" Aizawa interrupted him, flashing his 'Oh but wait, I have to be evil' smile. "Did I mention that, the dummys will be put through situations; such as: Pinned to the bottom, Stuck under a rock, Villains attacking-" His head gestured over to an empty doorway.

There's no one there.. Just as I was thinking, A big puff of gray smoke filled the air. And I heard Midoriya's high pitch fanboy scream. Must be all might. When the smoke cleared Midoriya was looking up at All Might and softly whispering "All night~" Woah never knew he could be so; so creepy. I glanced at Bakubro, who had a face full of disgust.

-Time Skip-

-Iida's POV-

We exited the UA pool area, into the boy's locker room. Mineta ran over to a anime girls poster. That in my opinion was a little inappropriate. Girls should not be portrayed in swimsuits so openly in front of males. Especially in a boys locker room!! Mineta ripped the poster off the wall. That's bette- There was a small hole in the wall, and Mineta started peering through it drooling. "MINETA THAT IS AGAINST THE RULES BACK AWAY RIGHT NOW" I scolded my small peer. Doing my usual hand movements, Kirishima grabbed my arm. I turned to see his needs, when I saw.. What do you say? An Idoiotic smile on his face. "Kirishima-Kun?" I asked, trying my best to stay formal. "Just let him be bro, not everyone has love."

LET HIM BE???! LOVE? I sighed, staying calm as very inappropriate and very frustrated thoughts roamed my head. "As I'm sure you're well aware of, but we are in a learning environment. We have come to UA to become heroes. Not dilly dally talking about love and hitting on our female peers." I heard my tone toughen the more I said. I was ticked. But as class rep I had to stay calm. So out of character, I walked over to an area of the room ignoring Kirishima. The area held Kaminari and Koda. Two of my classmates with very much potential. Although Kaminari can be sidetracked at times, and Koda can be very quiet.

I de-clothed, shedding my very lightweight and suitable clothing for my quirk hero costume. That was soon replaced with a spick and span UA uniform. I glanced over, now fully clothed. What the- My eyes locked on a scene i'm 100% sure that i'll never forget. Kirishima and Bakugou we're cuddling, and Bakugou wasn't even fighting back. Midoriya seemed to notice the dismay on my face. "Their dating now, isn't that cool?" He smiled. Dating? Two of our piers? In a school we need to become Heros? I was in pure confusion. Still staring at the two I watch as Bakugou leaned in for a kiss and Kirishima was just about to accept the sweet offer. No. I rushed forward, using my quirk to my advantage and pushed them away from each other. Causing Kirishima to bump into a locker behind him. Making a loud 'CLANG' noise. As for Bakugou.. I had poked the tiger.

Bakugou raged, screaming. Big sparks flashing from his hands. "Oh, you're going to regret that four eyes~" He taunted. I quickly realized the situation I was in. My eyes wandered back to the so-called 'sunshine' of class 1-A. He was rubbing the back of his head, probably still in pain as a result due to not having enough time to harden. He should have hardened.. That's what a hero would have done. Kirishima and Bakugou's little 'lovers affair' was obviously affecting both of the male's hero training. Bakugou was angry. Kirishima was stung with the ugly afterglow of pain. I looked both of them dead in the eye. Using my best death glare. "I don't know when this started, or how it happened. But I was the two of you to know that this needs to end now." Bakugou scoffed. "I disapprove of you both" I mutter, turning away, slightly regret threading its way into my head. 

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