Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: i do not own MHA or any of its characters

-Kirishima's POV-

The morning after my little 'late night trip outside', I immediately called my boyfriend. My red riot cased phone shook as my trembling fingers dialed his number. ***-***-****. I repeated the number to myself in my head. All you have to say is that you don't like him anymore, it's that simple Ejirou. Gathering my courage I pressed the last number completing the outgoing call. The small device rang and 'vrred' in my hand a couple of times. As the soft buzzing sound filled my ears, panic filled my mind. What is he going to say? What am i going to say? How will he reac- My thoughts were cut short by a robot-y phone version of my boyfriend, soon to be ex's voice. "Kirishima?" He asked. My trembling hands continued to shake and my throat desperately searched for words to voice. "Eijirou??" He asked once more, a hint of annoyance threaded through his tone.

No! Don't call me by my first name! I don't want you to, only bakubro can. "英辞郎 Kirishima!" ((quick translation! 英辞郎 = Eijirou)) "ah, sorry.." I responded. "Say my name." The voice whispered into the phone flirtatiously. No! "..M.." Ejirou don't!! "Monama." His name crawled up my tongue and slid right down my tongue into the air. "Good, now what do you want?" I detected sternness in his voice, but in order to complete my self assigned mission, I need to be the most manly I can be right now! Taking a long and deep breath I said it. "I don't like you anymore, Neito." Straightforward and confident the words I had finally gathered up the courage to say slipped out. I waited for his reaction. I glanced down at my phone only to see he had hung up. What? Does this mean we're over? All my emotions we're was pur confusion and the slightest bit of hope and happiness.

'Briiing' The school bell grabbed me out of my sea of emotions and my feet led me into our classroom. Out of instinct I went over to Bakubro. About to put my hand on his shoulder. Only about 3 or so inches away. Bakubro slapped my hand away without taking his eyes off of the front of the room. "Don't touch me," He grumbled, still ignoring everything we had been taught about manners and eye contact. That's right, Bakubro and I had a fight.. Pretending to scoff I walked to my seat and slouched down into it. I really did want to talk to Bakubro, And I'm known- no I am the one who isn't scared of Bakubro. Just pretend your mad, he'll ask you about the breakup soon. I waited and waited all through class. Not being able to focus I stared at Bakubro. Hopelessly waiting for him to even glance my way. C'mon Eijirou! He's not going to do it so just pay attention!! I thought scolding myself.

"Bring" The bell rang once more. "Everyone up, we're going to train in the pool today." Aizawa sensei spoke. Following the tried teacher's commands. The call rose and started to leave, among small chatter of course. "And get into your hero costumes too." Aizawa sensei added. "But sensei! My costume isn't made for water!" Mina whined, clamping her eyes in worry. "That's the point. Today we're going to put you and your costumes to the test. And after I will allow you to make accommodations according to both mine and your observations" He lectured. Mina let out a huff before following the rest of the class to the locker rooms.

While in the locker rooms, Mineta was being more of a peeping tom then usual. Drooling, petting the wall and conspicuously muttering under his breath. Iida was the first of us to get into his costume. But that didn't make him leave. He lectured Mineta about privacy and respect. Letting out a small chuckle I said, "Normal stuff huh?" I turned next to me expecting Bakubro. But Sato stood instead. Softly waving to me he said a quick hello before continuing to change. I got on my sleeves and buckled up my belt. Leaving the locker room I saw Bakubro with his head against a wall. I walked up silently, not wanting him to notice me. Slowly approaching him I noticed small amounts of water dripping down his cheeks. Is he, Crying? I had no idea what to do. So I ran. Why was he crying? How long had he been crying? Who made him cry? Now in the middle of a small alleyway in between buildings. I screamed. Louder than I ever had before. I had to let it out. 

Omega. -Kiribaku-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ