Chapter 14

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Disclaimer: i do not own MHA or any of its characters

-Bakugou's POV-

After lunch Aizawa Sensei told us to go change into our hero costumes, and that we would be going into the UA pool too. Ugh, what a pain. I quickly clothed, distanced from the others. I took a single glance at my so called piers and saw stupid grape head drooling against one of the walls that partnered the girls locker room. Kirishima was chuckling, about who knows what. I slowly slinked away from the locker rooms. Taking a chance to suspire, calming the least of my nerves. Why? Why do I feel this way? Kirishima already has a boyfriend he doesn't need m- I felt a small droplet dribble off of my nose. Am I crying!? Lifting my left hand up to one of my eyes I felt it stained with water. I let my hand fall back down, with the feeling of helplessness over taking my body, mind, and spirit.

Over time I had opened up to more and more people. I had learned to not yell so much at deku.. Yet I still do. Heh. Just outside of the locker rooms, I peeked inside to see Kirishima look at Sato. So he's talking with big lips huh? Then I watched as Kirishima's eyes dragged onto the floor carrying a big weight of disappointment and despair along with them. Did big lips say something mean to shi**ty hair!? ( I'm pretty sure everyone knows what Sato looks like, but just in case you don't here is a link to him ) Something in my mind must have clicked right at that moment, because that was the moment I figured out the answer to all my "why's." I had feelings for Kirishima. No, not just rage. Actual romantic feelings. My once calm normal tears turned into full on sobbing. I hadn't ever cried like this before. I had no idea what to do!! Then I did something I remember that shy third year did. I quickly turned and rested my head against the wall. As I did my tear ducts were being cried dry.

I heard soft footsteps approaching me, but kept my face against the stone, hard, cold wall of the outer locker rooms. My ears being as sharp as they were, a hesitant, soft groan filled my sound waves. Who is it? I pondered still letting my eyes flow with salty tears. Hearing footsteps fading away, I inferred that whoever was there had left. But as they were leaving I heard a familiar clanking found only when Kirishima walked in his hero costume. Kiri?.. After a couple of minutes of continuing to sob, I lifted my head up and softly rubbed it. The stone had been rough and unkind to my forehead, leaving a big read mark. I turned to go find Sensei when I heard a scream. No. Not just any scream. That was Kirishima's! Unconsciously, my eyes glanced and scanned every bit of the area around me. He must have walked farther. Following my gut I ran forward toward some buildings with hope to find my red haired best friend.

I ran around for about 7-ish minutes with no luck. Just as my hope was about to die out I saw a bright red spike pointing out from a small alleyway between two buildings. Eijirou!! My feet carried me over to the sign. I looked down not even noticing my lips were upturned into a sorta smile. Kirishima was sitting with his back against the building closest to me, his eyes closed and his breaths deep and slow. What is he doing?? I kinda wanted to laugh. I couldn't help it, a small chuckle followed by a high pitch squeak escaped me. Obviously, Kirishima heard me and looked up surprised. "Bakubro?" he questioned. Clearing my throat, I answered by playing the 'act clueless' card. "Oh, Hey shi**ty hair. I didn't even see you there, what are you doing?" "Ah, I was just taking a moment to calm down y'know? Just broke up with someone." He answered with an unsure and hesitant smile. Yes yes, the moment to calm down just broke up with someone. Wait- "Huh!? You broke up with your boyfriend?!" My shock replied firmly holding control of my voice. Kirishima took a second to think. "Yeah, I did this morning before class. Turns out he was toxic and I like you anyway so.." Kirishima trailed off. What? Did I hear that right??

"W-what did you just say?" Kirishima looked at me with firm steady eyes. "I like you bakubro." He replied sounded even more sure then the look he had given me. "U-uh" My throat had no words to voice. But there's one thing I know about that moment. I know for sure, that I was a literal tomato. "I've actually liked you for a long time, your really manly and smart and you even know how to cook!" Kirishima continued stabbing my heart with every complement. Then of course my giant ego took over. "Duh, Shi**ty hair! I'm the best, why wouldn't you like me?" I say asking a rhetorical question. "No no bakubro! I like like you. Like, Love you." He laughed. Yeah, Kirishima loves me, that's right I'm the best! Wait. Kirishima. My crush. Loves me!? "Ah- Uh! I like like you to shi**ty hair!!" I quickly respond turning even more red.

Kirishima leaned forward and stared me straight in the eyes. My arms lifted up and pulled him even closer, forming a warm hug between us. "Thanks for liking me bakubro, i know you don't many people" He smiled, resting his head on my shoulder, digging into it slightly so as not to get hit by my hero costume. Knowing what he said was the honest truth I chuckled. "Heh, yeah." As we continued to embrace our hug I heard footsteps approaching. "KIRISHIMA, BAKUGOU. WHY ARE YOU OUT HERE? GET BACK TO THE CLASS NOW" I heard a familiar angry sensei's voice yell. We both immediately let go and bolted to class still a little pink from the recent events. I heard sensei sigh in the not so far distance. "Dang kids, I had to leave iida in charge just to come look for them.." I heard his tired voice return and mumble. Feeling satisfied, I let myself smile. A sincere smile. For the first time in a long while.

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