Chapter 9

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-Kiri's POV-

I ranted about my new boyfriend. Which, to be honest felt amazing. Yesterday was a bundle of surprises that launched at me all at once. I was an Omega, I had gotten my first kiss, and my first boyfriend! I finally paused my ranting to notice Bakubro breathing heavily and gripping the pale blonde spikes that poked out of his head. "Bakubro?" I questioned, hesitation overflowing in my voice. He took a deep breath and looked at me with piercing red eyes.

"Why.." I heard a small voice squeak under the heavy atmosphere. "Why are you dating someone else?" the voice called again. Then it dawned on me, the small voice was the usually ever so loud Bakubro. A silence slithered its way over our heads. I responded with an almost silent voice speaking, "what's it to you? 'guys are gross.' Remember?" Bakugou coiled back at my words. I didn't mean for them to be that rude..

I felt the urge to storm off and pour like a child, was I acting childish? Following my unbearable urge, I stood and somewhat quickly walked off. I didn't want to look back, no. I thought that if I looked back I would see Bakubro's disapproval scattered around carelessly in his blood red eyes.

I quietly shut his oak up wood door, although I wanted to use all the manliness stored up inside of me and slam it. I knew better. It was around 10:45 pm when I stormed out of my best friends room. What's his deal? Why can't he just be happy for me just once. Confusion and rage overwhelmed me and my thoughts. In the short seven, maybe eight steps it took me to get from Bakubro's room to mine I had gotten so anxious that I had actually wanted to puke.

Whatever. My mind scoffed. I was now in my room, my eyes scanned the manly sight. Everything looks weird.. That was the first time that it hit me. Ever since I was a kid I had been timid and a big talker. I couldn't actually do anything though. Over time I discovered Crimson riot, the great hero of all time. I wanted to be just like him. Wanted. I remember overhearing All Might Sensei talking to Midoriya, saying something like 'you can't be just like me, you have to make your own path.' Although those incredible words were directed toward Midoriya, they got me thinking as well.

Ever since I had been inspired by Crimson Riot, I had always strained to be exactly like him. But what if Bakubro is tired of me always trying to be someone else. Ah! Something struck me. He was only reacting that way because he wants me to be myself not someone I'm not! I had gotten something that was actually, kinda good, out of the first fight I had, had with my best friend in a long time.

My hair was already smoothed out, since I had washed the gel out earlier. Letting my head unconsciously fall onto my pillow, I sighed. So much had happened in such a simple matter of minutes. But even if Bakubro doesn't approve I still have my new boyfriend. I giggled letting my worry slip away into ease. Eyes shut, mouth parted ever so slightly, and thoughts cleared for the next 6 hours or so, leading me to a peaceful sleep, and a wonderful dream. 

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