Chapter 16

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Disclaimer: i do not own MHA or any of its characters

-Bakugou's POV-

Four eyes pushed me away from Sh*tty hair, causing him to bang into a nearby locker. Of course he couldn't harden in time due to the surprise. Is he okay? I myself was thrown on the cold hard checkered locker room flooring. I slid across the floor due to, I looked at my hand. Water? My back softly touched Icy Hot's calf making him flinch. Ugh stupid four eyes. Out of instinct and the lack of my anger management skills, my hands filled with explosions. Big, rough, loud, harmful explosions. How dare he touch my omega. "You're going to regret that four eyes~" I taunt with an evil grin quickly spreading across my face.

I paused for a minute as my eyes got caught in the net of our class rep's deep death stare. "I don't know when this started, or how it happened. But I was the two of you to know that this needs to end now." I scoff. Obviously I wasnt going to break apart my hard earned love just because of four eyes's weak and stupid request. He muttered something then turned away, an angry arua still dripping around him. I hop up to help Eijirou only to see he has helped himself. "What's up with him?" The boy asked lightly brushing off access dirt that remained on his arm. I scoffed once more and grumbled a simple "I don't know." Eijirou took my hand and looked me in my eyes. "Your all for not listening right?" He asked with a smirk. Yes. "Yeah?" I responded with a small counter question. "It's just that-'' He paused. Yesss. "We just started, it'd be a shame to end it now~" He sighed exaggerating his fake disappointment. "Oh, yeah. Such a shame." I replied playing along happily, eager to see the joke of an outcome.

I heard a small cough. My eyes traveled behind me and caught hold of icy hot looking away, with his fist to his mouth quietly coughing. "Stupid icy hot your going to get all of us sick." I mutter shifting back around to face my new boyfriend. Boyfriend. I like the sound of that. I repeated the word boyfriend in my mind until I heard a familiar monotone voice call out my family name. "-kugou, Bakugou." Icy hot was repeating waving the previous fist in front of my eyes. "WHAT ICY HOT!?" I roared. Icy hot coiled back at the, lets face it. Expected response. "I simply wanted to inform you two that this is a locker room and we have to be in class soon-" His monotone voice bellowed coughing once more. I roll my eyes. I know that dumb Icy hot.

Deku then jumped in with his annoyingly high pitch voice and his ever so stupid voice cracks. "Even Todoroki-Kun and I don't do those kinds of things, and we've been dating for a long time." Is he comparing my sunshine and I to Icy hot and him? Nerdy Deku. "WELL WE AREN'T SLOW OR ANNOYING OR WEIRD LIKE YOU TWO!" I retorted to Deku's innocent comment. I watched the nerd coil back in shock. Heh. I grabbed my lover's hand and stormed off. "Wait!" I heard Eijirou yelp surprised from the sudden touch. I turned back. "What?" "We're still in our costumes-" He answered pointing to himself with a small bit of awkward infesting into his tone. I looked down and blushed out of embarrassment, as I saw my hero costume still wet and snug on my muscly figure. "Well duh! I wanted to change over their that's why I was walking." I excused myself with a lame cover-up. Eijirou laughed at my attempt and nodded. "Let's change before Aizawa Sensei comes." He smiled. I nod, happy that he wasn't angry with my previous actions.

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