Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: i do not own MHA or any of its characters

-Bakugou's POV-

I sat down at my usual lunch table, slamming my tray down on the marble surface. My rice bounced slightly in response to the sudden contact. I leaned down, practically falling in the sturdy wooden chair. My eyes wandered around the table area. No Kirishima. I was about to do my usual yelling ritual, but all my mouth would process was an exaggerated sigh. Racoon eyes and Tape face emerged in front of me, with gray plastic trays almost identical to my own, if it weren't for the assortment of vegetables. "Hey blasty" Tape face smiled. I 'tched' I didn't want to deal with this right now. "What's wrong with our precious little boom boom boy?" Racoon eyes tuated, with a playful tone threaded through her words.

I turned away, as if I were a stubborn child. "Nothin'.." I grumbled. Racoon eyes chuckled, as If she expected my willful response. Dunce face lunged forward toward our table. "Hey guys!" He bellowed his smile goofily pinned on his pikachu face. "Hmm?" Racoon eyes and Tape face hummed in unison. My jet black earphones entered my ears as a result of me wanting them to stop talking. Even as I turned the volume up on my headphones, no matter how high I could still hear Dunce face's muffled remarks. "Kirishima was in the bathroom crying!" His muffled voice bellowed. What-? Sh*tty hair, crying? I make the quick decision to ignore them. My food tray was getting cold anyway. Shoving the almost cold food down my throat, I struggled to hold back tears. My cheeks began to heat and my eyes we're beginning to sting. Why, why am I feeling this way? I held back my tears pretty well. The so-called "Baku-squad" at least that's what Mina called us, we're busy chatting away. I had assumed that they had either left or quieted down because no more muffled voices slithered their way through the earphone barriers I had inserted into my ears. Either way I didn't care.

-Kaminari's POV-

I was taking my usual nap, you know the one that I always take while Aizawa sensei is talking. When the tumultuous sound of a shriek entered the sound waves that we're encased in our school. My eyes slowly opened but my head jolted up. As the sudden instinct of a hero in training my senses rushed. Who screamed? What was the cause? We're they hurt? Why did it sound so close? My eyes darted around the room, scanning every inch of the district. Aizawa looked me dead in the eye. He usually would have erased my quirk, but I wouldn't dare use my quirk in school, even worse in front of my friends. My quirk was very dangerous, and I had already watched it hurt so many others that I hold dear.

"Class is over Kaminari. Go to lunch." Aizawa spoke in his usual monotone hushed voice. I nodded not wanting to get detention like Bakugou had gotten just about a week ago. I couldn't care less about cleaning. Feeling Aizawa's eyes pinned to the back of my head as I rose out of my chair and exited the classroom making the butterflies in my stomach rise and flutter vigorously. The sudden urge to pee filled my bladder. I ran to the big doored UA bathroom. As I was "doing my business", the dim sound of sobs filled the bathroom. Out of curiosity I pulled up my pants and looked around.

As I got closer to the last stall, on the right the sobs got louder and they stabbed at my hero's heart harder and harder with each and every hiccup. I pushed open the stall door to see the manly sunshine of class 1-A curled up in a ball shedding tears on the bathroom floor. He looked up at me and we locked eyes. His eyes wear over flooding with sadness, anxiety, fear, and who knows what else what. The tears continued to stream down his usually upturned cheeks. His familiar dimples we're gone. A silence that was soon replaced with the awkwardness of regular highschoolers took hold of the atmosphere. "Kiri?" I looked down at him confused and worry mixing into my voice. In an attempt to calm me down Kirishima wiped his eyes, which did not stay dry for long. I sat down on the cold tile floor next to my best friend. "Tell me what's wrong," I soothed slightly, rubbing his back. "Just go away bro.." He turned away. I didn't know what to feel or think. But I decided that he needed some time, so I lifted myself from the floor and left the bathroom hearing the door 'clack' behind me.

As soon as I was a good distance away from the bathroom I had left Kiri in, I bolted to the cafeteria. My eyes first caught hold of Midoriya and Todoroki talking. But I decided to ignore them, Then I saw the bakusquad (excluding Kirishima of course) My feet had a mind of their own as I twisted and turned my way through all of the other hungry students struggling to find a seat. I lunged forward at our table not caring if I broke a bone or two. Luckily I landed on one of the seats and not the floor. Quickly scrambling up I blurted out, "Hey guys!" I couldn't help but smile, I hadn't gotten a chance to talk to them all day although we were in the same class. Out of the corner of my eye I saw our boom boom boy but in his headphones, But I had no time for that. Remembering my self assigned 'mission' I told them about Kirishima crying in the bathroom. Mina and Sero we're shocked and I watched them start to rise. Grabbing their hands I told them. "I think it's better if he has some alone time right now." I sighed. They were hesitant but they obeyed, sitting back down at our table. After a few minutes of eating in silence, Sero started up the conversation again. "Did you see the way Sensei looked at Hatsume when she came into the classroom today?" Mina quickly replied, eager to get chatting again. "Oh my gosh, yes! It was the most deadly of death stares" She joked doing an eerie voice. Another few minutes passed and Midoriya walked over to our table.

Sero, again was the first to speak up. "Did you need something Midoriya?" "U-uh, yes actually." He stumbled going into his muttering. "Huh?" Mina questioned poking her face in front of Midoriya's "I just had n-noticed that Kacchan has been extra Kacchan-y lately and Kirishima hasn't been around him much." I turned to him realizing what he was about to say. In a hurry to stop him from saying anything else. I once again lunged forward almost toppoling onto Mina, thankfully I didn't. My index finger shoved it's way onto Midoriya's lips. "Do. Not. Talk. About. My. Bro." I scrunch my face up making a somewhat frightening look. Midoriya tried talking with my finger still shoved to his lips, but had no success. To let him speak I pulled away hesitantly. "Why, what happened?" Midoiya asked with pure curiosity in his tone. I watched Mina's face cringe. And yet again Sero's mouth was the first to open. "Kirishima got a boyfriend, Then Bakugou and Him fought." Those words hit me. I already knew what happened but every time I heard it, it was like a shotgun straight to the chest.

Midoiya's face was in awe, and Mina sighed responding to the look. "Yeah, I know right? It's so weird." Just at that moment Bakugou looked up. Just to see his childhood "friend" the one he hated so much. Bakugou got up screaming. "WHY ARE YOU AT MY LUNCH TABLE YOU NERD?!?!" Mina, Sero, and I watched Bakugou chase Midoriya away into a nearby classroom. Well wasn't this Lunch a hoot. I chuckled to myself in my mind.



Omega. -Kiribaku-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें