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Wayne Manor June 20th 12:35
It had been two weeks since Damian had returned from Nanda Parbat and he was now fully feeling himself again, he was down in the Batcave training with augmented reality simulation and he had been at it for almost three hours

"Does he knows he needs to eat, drink and take breaks" Tim asked watching

"I don't think so, he's Damian" Babs replied not looking up

They were still working on their project which was going to give the GCPD more resources and have them better equipped to fight crimes

"You know how Damian disappears is there any way to track him using his boom tubes" Tim asked

"Yeah that could theoretically work but do we want to invade on his privacy of all people" Babs asked

"Yeah I do" Tim replied

"Then I'll start looking, that's odd his Boom Tube logs are encrypted. It will take a while" Babs said

"You won't get in, and if you do it will be deleted by the time you do" Damian said sneaking up on them

"How did you know we were searching" Tim asked

"As soon as anyone who isn't me goes near that encryption I get notified, better luck next time" Damian said walking off

"I hate him" Tim said

"No you don't" Babs said

They continued working as Damian made his way upstairs to the Manor where he sat in the lounge and turned on the TV

"Damian may have a word with you in my office" Bruce asked

"Tt, fine" Damian replied

They both made their way upstairs to Bruce's office, Bruce took his seat behind his desk and Damian sat opposite him

"Damian I know you need and like your freedom, but I need to know where you've been disappearing to" Bruce said

"And I don't need to tell you" Damian replied

"Yes you do, Damian I need to know your safe at all times" Bruce said

"I was safe and that's all you need to know" Damian said

"Why won't you just tell me" Bruce asked

"Because you don't need to know, I can keep myself safe and I would never endanger myself. I thought you knew that" Damian said

"I know you wouldn't t but I need to know son" Bruce said

"No, I'm leaving now" Damian said standing up

"Fine but we are going to continue this later" Bruce said

"No we won't" Damian said leaving

Damian left his fathers office and headed back off to his room where he went and continued working on his art

Titans Tower 13:30
The Titans were sitting around doing nothing when Dick entered with Kori and assembled them in the conference room

"Dick shouldn't all the Titans be here for an emergency meeting" Raven asked

"No, because this a direct order from Batman" Dick replied

"This is so cool, a mission from Batman" Gar exclaimed

"But it's extremely dangerous" Dick said

"How so" Wally asked

"We've been tasked with finding out where Damian disappears too" Dick replied

"Yeah I don't want to do that" Jaime said

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