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Smallville July 11th 05:25am
The four teens had been in Smallville for a week chasing down leads of a Rouge cell of the League of Assassins. Damian had made contact with his mother but she didn't know anything of it but promised to keep him informed if she learnt anything.

"This is pointless, I'm going home" Damian said

"Damian we promised to help and that's what we'll do" Jon said

"No he's right we haven't made any progress over the past week" Kathy said

"Why are you giving up, it's unlike both of you to give up" Maya said

"I don't like Smallville and this group of Assassins seems like bad news and I don't want to be blamed when Superbaby here gets hurt" Damian said

"I told you not to call me that" Jon growled

"Well then make me stop" Damian said

"Okay both of you calm down, we are all tired and lacking sleep" Maya said

"Lets go to my Grandmas house and get some food and rest before we head home" Jon said

"That's a great idea let's go" Kathy said

"We will be with you in a second Damian can I have a word" Maya asked

"Yeah" he replied

Kathy and Jon left the 'Treehouse of Solitude', Damian and Maya stayed inside to talk

"You said you found something on your last outing what was it" Maya asked

"This, does it look familiar" Damian asked

"Slade" Maya replied gritting her teeth

"I think we can take it from here without them" Damian said

"I know what you mean but four is better then two" Maya said

"Yeah but it's me and you the A team or have you forgotten all our training and missions" Damian said

"Why are you so against working with them isn't Jon like your teammate" Maya said

"Yes he is, but still I think it would be done faster with the two of us" Damian said

"I'm not going without Kathy" Maya said

"Ugh, fine get them" Damian ordered

Maya ran and caught up with the other two, they then all left together and headed off to a nearby compound that Damian had discovered the day prior.

"I doubt that we will get the drop on Slade so be vigilant" Damian said

"Are we splitting up or going together" Jon asked

"I think we should split into two teams of two" Damian said

"I'll go with Kathy and when you two get yourselves in trouble signal for us" Maya said

"You mean when he gets us in trouble" Damian said

"Hey, you screw up just as much as I do" Jon said

"Really" Damian replied

"Okay maybe I do screw up a little bit more but you make everything so difficult" Jon said

"Will you two stop bickering" Maya said

"Yeah stop acting like an old married couple" Kathy whispered into Jon's ear

"Okay let's move" Maya said and they split up

"Damian can I ask a question" Jon asked

"You just did, but I presume you have another" Damian replied

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