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July 5th 2029 Wayne-Kent house
The twins were awake bright and early and ran into their fathers room and began jumping up and down on the bed to wake them up, which wasn't met by Jon or Damian with enthusiasm.

"Okay, okay we're up. What time is it" Jon asked

"It's six in the morning" Tommy said

"Six!" Damian exclaimed

"Yeah" Ellie said

"Go back to bed, I know your excited but back to bed until a normal time" Damian said

"But we can't go to sleep" Tommy said

"Why don't you lie down here beside us and see if that helps" Jon said

The twins jumped down beside their dads, Tommy lay next to Jon while Ellie laid next to Damian

"I expect this from David, the four year old but you two, I thought you were a big boy and girl and liked your own beds" Damian said

"We do but we also like yours" Ellie laughed

"Okay can we all be quiet and get some sleep, I'm still tired" Jon exclaimed

"Why is everyone being so loud" David said from the door

"Did your siblings wake you my poor baby boy" Damian asked

"Yeah, they did" David replied

"Come here, there's room beside me" Damian said

David ran up and jumped into the bed on the other side of Damian to where Ellie was and cuddled up beside him

"Now that's normal behaviour" Damian said

"It's also called showing favouritism" Ellie said

"For once I agree with Ellie" Tommy said

"How is your father showing favouritism" Jon asked

"Oh did your siblings wake you my poor baby boy" Ellie said mimicking Damian

"Little Miss I'll have you know I love you all the same, but he is my baby boy and you did wake him" Damian said

"Yeah I'm the baby" David said

"We know" Tommy said

"What happened to going to sleep" Jon said with defeat

"I don't think we're going back to sleep" Damian said

"Does that mean we can get up now" Tommy asked

"Yes you can get up, I'll be down to make you your birthday pancakes in a bit. Go get the ingredients out for me" Damian said

The twins hopped up out of the bed and ran downstairs

"Do you want to stay with me or go with them" Damian asked David

"I want to stay with you" David said hugging him

"Okay" Damian replied

"Can I stay in bed or do I have to get up" Jon asked

"I'm sorry beloved, I don't think they are going to let you sleep" Damian said

"I'll get up then" Jon sighed

"Okay David, I need to get up now" Damian said

"Can you cawwy me" David asked

"Your 'R's' and only if you ask nicely" Damian said

"Can you carry me pwease" David asked

"Okay, but you were missing an 'L'" Damian said

Damian picked the four year old up and headed downstairs where the twins were getting all the ingredients and equipment ready for Damian

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