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July 31st Wayne Manor 12:45
It had been two weeks since the mind control incident and Jon was happy with just being Jon and not being Superboy, but Damian was starting to get bored of just being Damian Wayne. They were currently snuggled up together, Jon reading a book and Damian was doodling in his notepad

"Kent I'm bored, I need to beat someone up" Damian sighed

"What how are you bored" Jon asked

"How are you not" Damian replied

"I enjoy just lounging around and spending time with the people I like" Jon replied

"I need to get out of this house, I'm going for a walk" Damian said getting up

"Want me to join" Jon asked

"No, you finish your book I'll be back in a bit" Damian said walking away

Jon went back to his book and ended up falling asleep. He woke up a few hours later and Damian wasn't there, he flew around the Manor and couldn't find him. He was on his way down to the cave when he felt a stinging pain in his side and he fell down the stairs, catching the attention of Bruce, Tim and Helena.

"Jon" Helena exclaimed running towards him

"Bring him here" Bruce shouted

Tim ran over and picked him up and carried him to the examination table, Bruce began to exam him and the area he was clutching in pain.

"I can't see anything, I don't know what's causing this" Bruce exclaimed

"D...Damian" Jon screamed with pain

"He's feeling what Damian is feeling, Tim find him" Bruce ordered

"On it" Tim said rushing to the computer

"Can we stop his pain" Helena asked

"He needs to realise it isn't his pain" Bruce replied

"Guys, your not going to like this" Tim said

"What is it" Bruce asked

"The Grandmaster of the court of owls has him" Time replied

"How do you know that" Helena asked

"He's broadcasting from the abandoned steel mill, Bruce he wants you alone" Tim said

"Then I'm going, watch Jon" Bruce said

Bruce pulled up his cowl and jumped in the Batmobile and raced off through the waterfall and out into Gotham City. He arrived at the abandoned Steel Mill and jumped out of the car grappling to the roof. He entered through a cracked window and stayed hidden spotting his son strapped to a wall with a feather shaped dagger stabbed in his side, he was trying to formulate a rescue plan as he saw the Grandmaster and five Talons but there could be more. He began listening when the Grandmaster took out his phone

"Mr.Sionos what can I do for you" he asked

"Black Mask, what's he up to" Bruce thought to himself

"Your weapons will be with you in the hour, and yes they guarantee on bat extermination" the Grandmaster said

There was a brief pause before the Grandmaster hung up and left the scene but the Talons remained

"Tim, I need you to track any weapons moving through Gotham and monitor all of Black Masks facilities and hideouts for weapon drops. He is being supplied with weapons that apparently guarantees our deaths" Bruce ordered

"Yep I am on it, I thought I'd let you know Jon has calmed down...and is on his way to you now, we couldn't hold him" Tim said

"I'm here" Jon said from behind Bruce

"Okay we do this quickly, understood" Bruce said

"Yep" Jon replied

Bruce glide kicked one of the Talons while Jon bashed another two's heads together, while Bruce took out the remaining Talons Jon headed to where Damian was hanging

"I'm going to remove the dagger and seal your would with my heat vision, okay" Jon said

"Don't" Damian replied

"Why not" Jon asked

"They know, they know your my mate. The dagger is made of kryptonite" Damian said

"I'd listen to him" The Grandmaster said

"I'm going to kill you when I get down" Damian spat

"Not if I do it first" Jon said

"You won't" The Grandmaster said obviously smirking under the mask

Just as Jon flew at him a green beam hit him from above and he crashed into the ground

"Good to see Luthors kryptonite cannon works" The Grandmaster said

"Let me go and I'll give you a fair fight" Damian said

"No I don't thinks so, I might hurt you some more" The Grandmaster said

He began shifting the dagger in Damian's side causing him to scream with pain and Jon to begin growling, Jon was still weak and couldn't stand or do much but he let whatever power he still had go to his eyes and he melted the chains on Damian's legs and right arm. This allowed Damian to hit the Grandmaster in the face, he then freed his other arm and ran to Jon as his father grabbed the Grandmaster

"John Wycliffe, high ranking member of Gotham's elite. Of course you'd be a member but I take it since you failed at whatever it is your doing someone else will be replacing you" Bruce said

"Yes, you won't win Batman" he replied

"Yes I will" Bruce said dragging him to the Batmobile

Meanwhile Damian was helping Jon up and they walked out of the steel mill and towards Damian's motorcycle

"You think you can hold on while I drive" Damian asked

"Yeah" Jon said weakly

"You shouldn't have solar flared and wasted all your energy" Damian replied

"I'd do anything for you, now I want to sleep, drive" Jon said

Damian started the engine and sped off back to the Manor, he helped Jon in and up to his room where he laid him on the bed before heading down to the cave where his father was waiting for him

"What the hell were you doing, your supposed to be suspended from any and all activities as Robin unless told otherwise" Bruce said

"When do I ever listen to a word you say" Damian replied

"You better start because you almost died and Jon could have died both here and there" Bruce said

"Here?" Damian replied

"Yes here, he could feel your pain. Your not only mates Damian your bonded at a deeper level your souls are connected and he could have died from the shock of the pain" Bruce said

"Then I'll be more careful next time I disobey your direct order" Damian said with a smirk

"I'm too tired to argue, Goodnight son" Bruce said

"Night father" Damian said leaving

Damian made his way back upstairs, his side was still stinging so he took it slow and steady. He got to his room, changed and got into bed beside his beloved and snuggled up to the already sleeping half-kryptonian, before drifting off to sleep himself.

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