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Gotham City Hall March 17th 2030
The two candidates for Mayor of Gotham were sitting waiting in anticipation of the announcement of who the new Mayor will, Helena or the previous Mayor. Damian and Dick were there as well, the courthouse was filled with reporters and cameras as well as members of the city council. They had gotten a guest speaker to announce the winner of the election and the speaker just so happened to be Vicki Vale

"Behind me we have our two candidates for our new Mayor, on the right we have current Mayor Aubrey James and to my left we finally have a Wayne running for Mayor, Helena Wayne" Vicki announced

There was a cheer from the crowd

"After I announce the winner of the election, I will be having a live interview with our new Mayor and their campaign team as well as the other candidate. So ladies and gentlemen may I introduce to you, your new Mayor....Mayor Helena Wayne" Vicki said

There was a huge uproar from the crowd, Helena immediately went and hugged her husband Zack before hugging Dick and Damian and then shaking hands with Mayor James, before sitting down with Vicki

"Mayor Wayne, something many of us thought we'd never hear. How does it feel" Vicki asked

"It feels nerve racking but amazing, I had no idea nor did I expect to win the election" Helena replied

"Then why enter as a candidate if you never saw yourself winning?" Vicki asked

"Last year myself and my brother were talking about ways to improve this great city and he suggested I run for Mayor, so I did" Helena replied

"Well aren't we glad you did. Now I have to ask, what is your main goal as Mayor, you said this sparked because of a conversation on improving Gotham" Vicki said

"Well my main aims, are to eradicate any and all corruption in our government, law enforcement and any other parts of Gotham society as well as working along side Wayne Enterprises to bring a better and brighter future to our city" Helena said

"Some strong aims there, but we have heard it all before, what makes you think you can do it" Vicki asked

"I don't know how to answer that, other then I'll do my best" Helena responded

"Your brother seems displeased with your answer" Vicki said

"He's displeased with most things" Helena replied

"Mr.Wayne, how would you have answered my question" Vicki asked

"It's Wayne-Kent and very simply, she can do it because she's a Wayne" Damian replied

"I like his answer, why didn't he run for Mayor, why you Helena" Vicki asked

"He's not a people person, when was the last time you remember him making a public appearance or showing up for an interview" Helena said

"That's a valid statement, now I'll hand the questions over to the people" Vicki said

They held a QnA for another hour before they could leave, they hopped in the car waiting for them and began driving off to Damian and Jon's house, since Jon was minding all the kids with Kori. They entered the house and Oliver jumped up on his Mother

"Hey Ollie, I hoped you behaved for your Aunt and Uncle" Helena said

"I did, did you win mommy" Oliver asked

"Yes I did, did you not see it on TV" Helena asked

"They all left to play in the back room. Congratulations Helena" Jon said

"Thanks Jon" Helena said

"I believe this one is yours, she was a little princess" Jon said handing over Sophia

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