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July 17th Titans Tower 12:55
The Titans were lounging around when the alert went off, they ran and suited up before heading to the conference room where they found the Justice League on the screen and Nightwing sitting in front of the screen

"Good your all here, we can now begin" Bruce said

"We aren't all here Bman, Rob, Emiko, Wally and Superboy aren't here" Gar said

"That's because they are the threat" Diana said

"I can see Damian going bad but the others" Cassie said

"There has to be an explanation to this" Raven said

"There is, mind control. Last night those four were on a recon mission and came across the lair of two very powerful telepaths, Psimon and Malefic" Clark said

"You may know of Psimon, but Malefic you may not. He is my twin brother and my opposite he poses a heart of evil" J'onn said

"How do you expect us to fight them" Helena asked

"We don't, we will. Your mission is to apprehend the rouge Titans and make sure they don't hurt anyone else" Bruce replied

"Again how do we beat Damian, he knows our weaknesses like the back of his hand" Helena said

"Just hope that we can" Dick said

"I'm going to take this opportunity to remind you all that Jon's strength will increase if he feels his Omega is in trouble" Lara said

"So we take Jon off the board first" Kori announced

"Titans let's move out" Dick said

The Titans mobilised and headed to Metropolis where they found their four friends tearing up the city

"Kori, Lara and Raven go after Jon, Zack, Conor and Gar you go after Emiko, Jaime, Bart and Cassie chase down Wally and Helena you and I are going after Damian" Dick said

Lara took off and flew directly at her brother hitting him in the jaw and sending him flying through a building. But he came out of the smoke and grabbed her and threw her at the Daily Planet and the impact shattered the Golden Planet on top of the building. Jon went to hit his sister again but Raven used her magic and placed him in a magical sphere, he began punching the sphere and it began cracking but when it shattered Kori was waiting and hit him towards the ground.

"Raven restrain him" Kori shouted

"AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS" Raven shouted and magical restraints formed around his limbs and torso and Kori and Lara helped hold him down

Meanwhile Bart was chasing after Wally in circles while Jaime and Cassie tried to trip him up which wasn't working until Cassie caught him with her lasso and then the other two started to restrain him. He tried to phase his way out but Bart phased alongside him which prevented him from escaping.

At the same time Conor had shot a stun arrow which caused Emiko to become disoriented and lose her balance. Zack caught her with his magic and Jon placed her on the ground where Gar turned into a snake and wrapped himself around her not allowing her to move at all.

"Helena, Dick do you need help" Zack asked

There was no response

"Dick, Helena come in" Kori said

Not two seconds later an explosion went off in a nearby building and they saw Dick and Helena falling from the smoke and Damian standing there in the giant hole. Dick caught Helena and they landed safely he threw a batarang at the wall beside Damian which distracted him which gave Helena time to grapple onto him and press a button which began electrocuting him. Damian let out a scream before he fell towards the ground.

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