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July 8th Metropolis General 09:45am
Damian was walking up and down the hospital room with his eyes glued to the twins in their cot while he waited for Jon to arrive so he could finally leave this room and go back to his own home. He was waiting for almost twenty minutes when his husband burst through the doors and ran up to him and hugged him.

"Your coming home" Jon exclaimed beaming with glee

"And your squeezing me to hard, I still have to take it easy" Damian replied

"Sorry, shall we go" Jon asked turning around

"Aren't you forgetting something" Damian said

"What" Jon asked

"I can't carry both of them" Damian said looking at the twins

"Oh right, the twins. Oops" Jon said scratching the back of his head

"I've missed you, you big idiot" Damian said

Damian bent down and picked up Ellie, while Jon grabbed Tommy. They then proceeded to leave the room and checkout of the hospital. They walked to the car and strapped the twins in, Damian decided to sit in the back with them to make sure they were okay while Jon drove. After a twenty five minute drive they finally arrived home, they got out of the car with the twins and headed inside, Jon had put two baby baskets in the front room where they placed the twins, then Damian sent Jon out to the car to bring everything in.

"Dami, anything else you need done" Jon asked

"Yeah there is, you haven't gone shopping the fridge is empty" Damian replied

"I knew I forgot something, are you sure you'll be okay with them alone" Jon asked

"I'll be fine" Damian said

Jon kissed Damian before leaving the house, Damian entered the front room and just sat down and watched the twins as they slept, he didn't want to turn on the TV or do anything in fear of waking them from their sleep. He was half asleep when Ellie woke up and began crying, he stood up and picked her up out of the cot and began bouncing her in his arms to stop her crying, but instead Tommy woke up and began crying. He couldn't hold the both of them so he continued to bounce Ellie as he sat down and began rocking Tommy's cot.

"Shh, shh please stop crying" Damian said in a hushed tone

The twins continued to cry for another five minutes before finally stopping, so Damian let Ellie back down into her cot and ran off to get them something to eat. He came back in and fed them both before they fell asleep again and so did he. Jon arrived back about twenty minutes later to see all of them asleep.

He went and unpacked the shopping before going back to the front room and throwing a blanket over Damian. He then returned to the kitchen and began preparing the dinner. Damian woke up to the smell of the food being cooked, he got up with the blanket still wrapped around him and walked into the kitchen and stood at the doorway and scared Jon as he turned around

"Jeez don't sneak up on me like that" Jon said

"It's what I do" Damian replied

"Did you enjoy your sleep" Jon asked

"Yes, yes I did. They started crying after you left, both of them. Your not allowed leave again" Damian said

"I did ask if you wanted me to stay" Jon said

"Don't put the blame on me" Damian replied

"Dinners almost ready" Jon said changing the subject

Jon finished cooking and put the dinner out on the table and himself and Damian sat down and ate, much to their surprise the twins didn't make a sound until after. So they fed and changed the twins before putting them to bed in their cradles and before heading to bed themselves.

"Goodnight Beloved" Damian said

"Night Dami" Jon replied kissing him

They both fell asleep quickly since they were exhausted, they were asleep for a good three hours when the baby monitor started picking up crying

"I'll go deal with it" Damian said

"No I will you rest" Jon replied with a yawn

"Okay, enjoy" Damian replied falling back asleep

Jon got up out of the bed and headed to the other room, it was Tommy crying and surprisingly Ellie remained asleep. In order to keep it that way, Jon picked Tommy up and headed out into the hallway and closed the door and began rocking him and shushing him

"Shh, Daddy's here, you can stop crying" Jon said rocking him

He continued to cry, so Jon began pacing up and down the hallway while rocking him. This continued for a half hour before Tommy stopped crying. Jon placed him back in the cradle and waited for him to fall back asleep. As he left the room he closed the door gently and headed back to his bed. No sooner then his head hit the pillow the crying started again, this time it was both babies.

"I'll help this time" Damian said getting up

They both entered the room and picked up the twins and then returned to their own bed where they sat while rocking the babies

"Who's going to go back to sleep and let me sleep, you are" Damian said as he rocked Ellie

"Dami, I think they should stay in here with us" Jon said

"I agree, they seemed to have calmed down" Damian replied

"I'll run and get their cots from downstairs, make sure he doesn't fall off the bed" Jon said

Damian placed Ellie down beside her brother, he sat up and watched over them, Jon then came back up with the cots from downstairs and they placed the twins in them.

"Okay Goodnight" Damian said burying his head in the pillow

"Goodnight Dami" Jon said getting in the bed

They woke up another few times throughout the night but then slept well into the next day and were and were only woken up by the door bell ringing. Damian refused to get out of bed so Jon did, and he walked downstairs and opened the door

"Sheesh, is this a bad time you look like an absolute mess" Lara said

"What is it" Jon asked

"Cranky I see, I came over to see if you needed a hand with anything and to let you know Mom and Dad are visiting later" Lara answered

"Come in, I presume you want to see the twins" Jon said

"Of course, I don't care about you and Damian anymore, no offence" Lara replied

"How nice, let me go get them and see if Damian will get up" Jon said

Jon flew upstairs to find Damian already out of bed

"You can take Ellie down I already changed her, Tommy still needs to be changed. If Lara is going to hold her, she will need to wash her hands and, Beloved I need you to get their bottles ready" Damian said

"Good morning to you too and is the hand washing necessary" Jon asked

"If I said to do it, then yes it is. And good morning" Damian replied

Jon picked Ellie up while Damian went to changed Tommy. Jon brought his daughter downstairs and told Lara she had wash her hands, the he handed Ellie to her

"Aww, she's so cute" Lara said

"Yes she is, now I need to go prepare their bottles before Dami kills me. Watch her head and DO NOT drop her" Jon said emphasising the 'do not'

While Jon was in the kitchen Damian came downstairs holding Tommy and he entered the living area and sat on the armchair opposite Lara.

"You don't look as tired as Jon" Lara said

"I'm used to being up late" Damian replied

They spent the rest of the morning talking while Jon and Damian fed the twins, after Lara left it was just the four of them in the house until Lois and Clark turned up and they brought up some of Jon's old baby stuff as well as pictures of Jon to embarrass him in front of Damian. They stayed for quite some time and joined them for dinner before leaving the the two new parents for another sleepless night.

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