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July 5th Metropolis Yoga studio 12:45
"That's it, everyone is doing great. Now with the help of your partner I would like you all to try and bend a bit lower if possible" The yoga instructor said

"How the hell am I supposed to do that with this in the way" Damian said pointing at his belly

"Here let me help then" Jon said

"No don't touch...actually keep your hand there, it helps" Damian replied

"And a deep breath in for 5,4,3,2,1 and exhale" the instructor said

"This is hilarious to watch" Jon said

"Okay now slowly come back up, good job everyone. Now take a five minute break before we move onto our last exercise" the instructor said

"How are you feeling" Jon asked

"Hungry, I want cake or something" Damian replied

"No, we should be eating healthy" Jon said

"We, your not pregnant. Stop being a pain in my ass we are going for cake after this" Damian said

"I can't be a pain in your ass we haven't..."

"What, do t you dare finish that sentence" Damian said staring daggers at him

"Okay everyone back to your mats" the instructor announced

As Jon helped Damian up from the ground Damian stood on his foot over his crude comment.

"Now for this exercise you will need your partner to watch so you don't fall. Place boy your hands flat on the ground and extend your arms, now take a deep breath in for 1,2,3,4,5 and exhale. Now I want you to extend your legs three time individually and alternate them" the instructor said

Damian went and raised his left leg and extended and brought it back in but when he extended his right leg he aimed directly for Jon's crotch and kicked him. Jon held in the pain and clutched his crotch whimpering in pain, while Damian giggled at the spectacle.

They were sitting on a park bench drinking water and eating cake Jon had rushed off to get as per Damian's request.

"I'm sorry for kicking you I shouldn't have done that" Damian said trying not to laugh

"It's okay, but next time could you aim for somewhere that's like not as important" Jon said

"I'll think about it" Damian replied

Damian began to stand up which caused Jon to jump up out of his seat

"Kent I'm fine I can stand up" Damian said

"I was just making sure, do you want a hand to the ca.." Jon began

"I said I'm fine" Damian replied gritting his teeth

"Okay, okay, let's go then" Jon said

They began walking but Jon felt the urge to turn around and he found Damian clutching his stomach and slightly hunched forward

"Dami you okay" Jon asked

"Kent, I think the twins are coming" Damian replied

"Now" Jon said

"No, yesterday. Of course now" Damian replied

Jon grabbed his phone and began fumbling around with it due to his panicked state

"Kent need I remind you we don't need an ambulance, you can fly and drive" Damian said in pain

"Right" Jon replied

Damijon OmegaverseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin