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Gotham Police Plaza March 24th 12:30
Damian was being escorted through the Police Plaza directly to Commissioner Gordon's office, he had scheduled meeting and was headed there now

"Damian how nice to see you" Barbara said

"Gordon, I do mean this it is a pleasure" Damian replied

"Good to hear, now when your secretary called a week ago she said you had a proposal for me" Barbara said

"I do" Damian replied

"May I ask does this have anything to do with our new Mayor and some of her new policies" Barbara asked

"Yes, yes it does. You see what's about to happen now stems from the same conversation that sparked the idea to have Helena as Mayor, this however was decided before that" Damian replied

"Anything to help the Mayor" Barbara said

"Your dealing with me and Wayne Enterprises, not the Mayors Office" Damian said

"So what is this proposal" Barbara asked

"Well first off, Wayne Enterprises is offering a sizeable donation of sixty million dollars to the GCPD for better equipment so you can better handle ongoing situations" Damian said

"Sixty million, Damian that's too much" Barbara said

"Have you seen Gotham, nothing is too much when it comes to fixing this city" Damian relied

"I can't disagree, now what's the proposal " Barbara asked

"Wayne Tech have developed a new more reliable system for monitoring crime, a new more secure way of online communication and we currently have our R&D department working on new nonlethal weapons, so my proposal is that the GCPD and Wayne Enterprises enter into a deal. You get all of our new toys and in return you keep Gotham safe and clean and remove any and all corrupt Police from your ranks" Damian said

"Well that's a deal I don't think I can refuse. Damian I can't thank you enough, you and Helena are really going to make something out of this City" Barbara said

"That's the plan" Damian replied standing up

"Why don't you stay and catch up" Barbara said

"I wish I could but I have a meeting with the Mayor about removing a certain no good Asylum and revitalising the Narrows" Damian said

"Well your plate seems full, don't let me stop you. Talk again soon" Barbara said shaking his hand

As Damian was walking down the corridor there was a shift in the atmosphere and Police started running wild and he asked one why, to get the answer thy Gotham City Hall was under siege from masked men with guns. So Damian rushed outside and decided to test his new suit, he put the motorcycle helmet on and hopped on his bike and rushed off down the road, he pressed a button on the bike and a slightly newer Robin suit started to materialise on him. He parked in a back alley so he wouldn't be seen in broad daylight and grappled to the roof and entered through the service hatch.

"Helena, are you there" Damian asked

"Odd to hear you on this frequency" Helena replied

"Just don't tell Jon" Damian replied

"I'm barricaded in my office, I've counted ten armed men, one with a bomb vest and one who appears unarmed" Helena said

"I'll have you out in no time" Damian said smirking

"I can hear you smirking" Helena said

Damian turned off the comm and went about scouting the place, he used a disruptor to disarm the bomb vest before he even attempted to take the guy out, he then went for the unarmed guy. He then went after the others only a few shots were fired but Damian wasn't hurt. He left to get back into his suit while the GCPD arrived to take the assailants away while he ran around and entered through the front door, and made his way to Helena's office

"Thanks for that" Helena said

"For what" Damian replied

"For what you did" Helena said

"What did I do" Damian asked

"Right you weren't here" Helena said

"So how's your day been" Damian asked

"Eventful, how was yours" Helena asked

"I just arrived from meeting with Barbara" Damian replied

"So what are we dealing with first" Helena asked

"I think the Narrows should be dealt with first" Damian replied

"Agreed, have any ideas on how to go about that" Helena asked

"We need to get teams down there and just clean it up. We also need to make the area alluring to new businesses and companies to get jobs created and get money flowing" Damian said

"Yeah, but for that to happen the crime rate needs to drop" Helena said

"And it will with all the new toys I've promised the GCPD" Damian said

"What did you promise them, I'd like to know what they're using" Helena said

"Here's the list of things I promised them" Damian said handing her the list

"Honestly wow, that's a lot. Now do you have the proper documentation for me to bring your proposals up at the next city council meeting" Helena asked

"Of course I do, here you go. I've also emailed you and your assistant a copy and I downloaded a copy onto your phone" Damian said

"Of course you did, now I have other meetings to get to. I'll contact you later to let you know if this is going ahead or not" Helena said

"I'll talk with you later" Damian said standing up

Damian left her office and began walking through city hall, he got outside and got on his motorcycle and drove off home. When he arrived home he got the sense he was in trouble.

"Damian what the hell were you thinking" Jon said

"Whatever do you mean" Damian asked

"So this eye witness report of seeing Robin for the first time in years and to see him take down twelve masked assailants isn't true" Jon said

"Batman has had many Robins" Damian said

"And I quote, 'this was definitely the most recent Robin, you know the one who used the swords', should I continue" Jon asked

"What do you want me to say, I'm sorry I helped people" Damian replied

"I didn't want you to get involved, we retired and quit for a reason" Jon said

"I can't deal with you, 'you shouldn't be acting like a hero, because I don't want you too. But when I went and almost got myself killed while you were pregnant with the twins, that was okay'" Damian said mimicking Jon as he left the house

"Where's Daddy gone?" David asked

"I don't know" Jon replied defeated knowing Damian was right

Jon went and made the dinner and by the time they finished eating Damian still hadn't returned, Jon tried calling him but there was no answer so he just went to bed after tucking the kids in. But when he entered his room he was surprised to see Damian already in bed working away in his laptop

"Have you started thinking clearly or are you going to continue being stupid" Damian asked not looking at him

"Now that was just mean" Jon said

"And" Damian asked

"Are you going to talk or be snarky" Jon asked

"Fine I'll talk" Damian replied

"Thank you, now I apologise for being hypocritical and you did the right thing helping out" Jon said

"I'm glad you came to your senses, but I guess I'm sorry for not telling you" Damian said

"You guess or you are" Jon asked

"Don't push it Mister" Damian replied

"Okay I won't, cuddles?" Jon asked

"Tt, fine cuddles" Damian replied as Jon began to cuddle him

As Jon began to cuddle him Damian closed his eyes as he leaned into Jon's chest and he fell asleep almost instantaneously while Jon took a few minutes but still fell asleep pretty quickly.

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