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May 19th Wayne Manor 17:45
Bruce and Selina were having people over for dinner while watching over the twins and David. The twins were off doing there on thing but David was falling Selina around the house asking when Jon and Damian were returning from their trip, only for her to reply tomorrow. They had gone on the trip for their anniversary and had been gone since the 12th of May.

"David, I have told you already. Now why don't you go play with your siblings" Selina said

"Because I don't want too, all I want is Daddy" David replied

"Well they aren't coming home today, so you'll have to do something else" Selina said

"But I want them back" David said

"David stop moaning, they haven't abandoned us" Ellie said

"Yeah can you do anything other then moan" Tommy asked

"Master Thomas, do leave your brother alone. He just misses your parents" Alfred said

"But all he does is moan, if Dad goes out for five minutes he moans" Tommy said

"And that's normal, you two did the exact same just to a lesser extent because there was two of you" Selina said

"No we didn't, Tommy maybe but me no way. I don't moan or wings like these two" Ellie said

"This is why I don't play with them, there meanies" David said sticking his tongue out at the twins

Just then Dick walked in with Kori and Mar'i

"What's happening" Dick asked

"Master Dick and Mistresses Kori and Mar'i it is good to see you" Alfred said

"It is good to see you too Alfred" Kori replied

"Where's the old man" Dick asked

"He's entering the room and not an old man" Bruce said entering

"Tell that your grey hairs" Ellie said

"What grey hair" Bruce asked jokingly offended

"The ones on your head" Mar'i said

"Sorry we're late" Helena said coming into the room with Oliver holding her hand and Zack following with Sophia

"Now that all the kids are here, Dick and included you can all go play until dinner" Bruce said

"Hey, but true" Dick replied

"And if I hear any reports of people being mean, it's a time out" Selina said

"Dick will you go watch them and run a few games" Bruce said

"Of course, come on little dudes let's play" Dick said

"Dick never says dudes again" Helena said

"Honey I agree with her" Kori said

"What about little buddies, I need a nickname for them" Dick replied

"We will brainstorm a few and let you know" Kori replied

"Zack do you want to bring Sophia out" Dick asked

"Sure" Zack said following him

"Hel, you look tired" Selina said hugging her daughter

"I am, I miss having Damian around" Helena replied

"Why, he has nothing to do with your work" Bruce said

"He's actually been very helpful if I have problems he usually fixes them, plus all this work being done to renew Gotham is his idea and I don't know what I'm doing half the time" Helena replied

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