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November 20th Fortress of Attitude
Damian was down in the Supersons HQ working, he had asked Zatanna to use her magical abilities to speed up his healing process. He had been looking down every path he could find on the court of owls when Jon interrupted.

"There you are, I've been searching for you; is this where you've been disappearing to" Jon asked

"Yeah, I'm working on something" Damian said

"The Court of Owls, I thought they were gone" Jon said

"So did I, but these feathers were at my crash sight and I believe that those figures were Talons" Damian said

"Well why are you doing this alone" Jon asked

"I didn't want to involve anyone, they are dangerous remember" Damian said

"You agreed to spend the rest of your life with me, so your going to let me help you" Jon said hugging him from behind

"Tt, fine" Damian replied turning the chair around kissing him

"So what do we do now" Jon asked

"We're going on a trip" Damian answered

"Where to" Jon asked

"The sewers, the old Gotham sewers. They had secret doors and chambers all over the city and I'm hoping that if we search through their old hideouts we can locate them now" Damian replied

"Should we not tell someone where we're going" Jon asked

"No, now suit up and let's go" Damian said

They both left their HQ and headed towards the Gotham sewers. They walked through sludge for an hour before they found what they were looking for, Jon had found the hollowed out area behind a false wall with his X-ray vision.

"Here we go" Jon said knocking down the wall

"Could you be any louder" Damian asked

"Dami, these have been abandoned I can't see anyone" Jon said

"Still, they could be watching" Damian said

"Let's get this done with, I don't like the sewers" Jon said

"You can leave them I'll be out in a bit" Damian said

"I'm not leaving you" Jon said

"Fine let's go then and stop complaining about the sewers, your room smells worse" Damian said

"No it doesn't" Jon replied

"Kent I can't open this door, would you do the honours" Damian asked

"If you say please" Jon teased

"Please" Damian said

"Not really feeling the heart behind that please" Jon replied

"Tt, fine. Please" Damian said kissing him

"Consider it done" Jon said kicking the door down

They entered into a dark room, there were cobwebs and dust all over the place. It was circular with a podium in the centre and a crystal owl on the centre

"We found the place" Jon said

"It's abandoned so why leave the owl" Damian replied

"Maybe because you just think they're back but maybe they are actually gone" Jon said

"Are you questioning me" Damian asked glaring at him

"No no I would never it's just all the evidence points to that" Jon replied

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