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May 28th 2021 West Reve School 15:30
Bruce and Clark had put there foot down and made their children take a break from the superhero game until they finished school, and today was that day. Jon and Helena were the first two out cheering followed closely by a few of their classmates, they were waiting awhile before Damian appeared talking with their now old principal, he said his goodbyes before approaching his sister, fiancé and future sister in law.

"Who's ready to start the summer of SUPER" Jon cheered

"We are not bringing that back, are we" Damian asked

"The summer of Super sounds like fun" Cassie said appearing out of nowhere

"Although it sounds fun to you guys, Kent we're busy" Damian said

"How are we busy it's summer" Jon replied

Damian stared at him and Jon just looked at him clueless until Damian lifted up his left hand and pointed at his ring

"Ohh that's right we have a wedding to plan" Jon exclaimed

"Finally he gets there" Damian sighed

"You must have some stuff done and it won't take all summer" Lara said

"We know who the two grooms are and I have my best man picked and that's about it" Damian said

"I've actually picked my best man as well, well best person" Jon said

"ME" Lara exclaimed

"Why didn't you pick me" Helena asked Damian

"I didn't think too, it was between Cain and Grayson. There they only two who I trust to throw me a bachelor party" Damian responded

"I understand Dick, but Cass" Helena said

"What we grew up around each other in my grandfather's compound" Damian responded

"Okay let's leave before the teachers think we want to stay for summer school" Cassie said pushing them

They left the school grounds and remained in a huddle talking until they were interrupted by Alfred honking the car horn impatiently waiting for Damian and Helena

"We better get going guys" Helena said

"See you later then" Lara said

"Bye Dami, I'll be over later" Jon said kissing him

"I know" Damian replied getting into the car

"You know you could offer your friends a lift, it is no trouble for me" Alfred said

"Or we could go home, they can all fly" Damian replied

"But it would be the nice thing to do" Helena said

"You invite them then, it would be out of character for me to do it" Damian said

"We wouldn't want to break your brooding persona now would we Master Damian" Alfred said dryly

"You meant that insultingly but I'll take it as a compliment Pennyworth" Damian replied

"Well luckily Mistress Helena has inherited the ability to be kind unlike you or your father" Alfred said

Helena got out of their vehicle and offered their friends a lift which Cassie denied because she was going to meet up with Donna but the two Kent's took them up on it

"Hi again" they said

"Tt, hi" Damian said

"What has you in a mood" Lara asked

"I'm not in a mood" Damian replied

"He's just a bit tired Mistress Lara" Alfred said

They began another conversation while Alfred drove to the Kent house but instead of Jon going home and coming over to the Manor later Damian convinced him to stay in the car and go straight to the Manor. When they arrived at the Manor they headed straight up to Damian's room to get changed out of their uniforms and into actual clothes, before Damian lay down on his bed and a growing Titus jumped on top of him.

"Someone missed you" Jon said

"Well he should have, I'm the only interesting person in the Manor" Damian said

Jon attempted to get in beside Damian but as soon as he got close Titus began snarling and growing at him and Jon retreated a bit causing Damian to laugh

"What's so funny, the dog I got you doesn't like me and is hoarding you" Jon pouted

"Your only weakness is a green rock and your scared of Titus attacking you, that's what's funny" Damian said

"Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that" Jon laughed

"Your hopeless" Damian replied

"Okay make yourselves decent, I'm entering" Jason said knocking on the door

"Todd, what the hell do you want" Damian asked

"It's not what I want, Bruce wants you downstairs like ten minutes ago demon spawn" Jason said

"Titus go bite him" Damian said

"Titus don't" Jon said

"He doesn't listen to you" Damian said in a duh tone

While the two boys got up Titus was jumping after Jason until Damian whistled causing the pup to turn around and follow the couple walking down the stairs. They entered the living area to find Bruce, Selina and

"Mother, what are you doing here" Damian asked in shock

"I came to see you my son, I heard you have some life changing news that you haven't shared with me yet" Talia said

"We'll leave you two to catch up" Selina said leaving with Bruce

"So, why haven't you told me" Talia asked

"I was going too, but I didn't know how to or how you and Grandfather would react" Damian said

"Well we are happy for you, but disappointed that you didn't share" Talia said

"And I'm sorry for that" Damian replied

"Is this he" Talia asked

"Hi, I'm Jon" Jon replied

"Superboy, out of everyone you know I would have never put the two of you together" Talia said

"You're not the first person to say that Mother" Damian said

"No need to be so hostile Damian, I came to see how you were doing and to meet my future son-in-law" Talia said

Jon and Damian decided to sit across from Talia, Titus laid his head on Damian's knees as they did. They talked with Talia for over two hours before she decided to leave but by that stage it was pretty late so they went and got some food before heading back upstairs and getting into bed.

"Dami, after the wedding what are we going to do" Jon asked

"Go on honeymoon and spend the rest of our lives together" Damian replied

"I mean like where are we going to live and how long are we going to wait before starting a family and all that stuff" Jon said

"Well I was thinking maybe while planning the wedding we could search for somewhere to live and we talked about kids we aren't having any until we are out of college at least" Damian said

"Okay whatever you say, your the boss" Jon said

"Yes I am, now go to sleep" Damian said

"Goodnight Dami" Jon said

"Night" Damian replied kissing him

While Damian closed his eyes with his head snuggling into Jon's armpit and laid on his arm, Jon stared up at the ceiling unable to sleep for quite some time before eventually shutting his eyes and falling asleep.

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