Chapter Twenty-Four

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Trying to think of a clever 24 pun but failing. 


              The homecoming party was a few weeks ago, and I haven't seen Mario or Julia since then.  I am now twenty-two weeks pregnant and I have to go to the doctor's to check on the baby.

        Originally, Lio was supposed to go with me, but he has yet another important game to fly to. I should be able to go alone, with the assistance of my new limo driver Max. He's pretty cool and friendly, and the good news is, he's not a rapist.

        I grabbed my bag which was filled with papers,  an apple cider bottle, a pack of gum, and my wallet, and then made my way to the door. I opened the house door and closed it.

        I can't believe it's been over five months since Germany won the World Cup. It seems like just yesterday I was accidently doing the dirty with Mario. 

        Just as I was about to open the car door, a call of my name echoed through the air.

        "Lena! Wait!"

        It was Marcos. I grinned happily, realizing it's been forever since I last saw him. He smiled cheekily when he saw me stop, relieved I had had heard him. He wore a pair of plain, blue jeans with a gray sweater. How he was not freezing in the fifteen degree weather is greek to me.

        "Marcos, hey!" I chippered, cursing myself for sounding so strange and girly. He raised his eye brows, but never broke his smile.

        "I missed you best friend," he engulfed me in a hug. I let out a laugh and wrapped my arms around him. I didn't realize how much I had missed him too. I had the girls of course, but he was different. He knew me. He, for some strange reason, understood me better than my own sex. With him I could just be casual and didn't have to overthink things. I loved him. He was like my brother.

        "I hooked up with this hot brunette last night," he said with a grin, causing me to roll my eyes. Except that part. I wouldn't want to know about my brother's sex life. Even thinking it is making me uncomfortable.

        "That's great Marcos. Definitely needed to know that," I said. "I have to go to my doctors appointment though."

        Marcos's smile disappeared and a look of bewilderment replaced it.t

        "The doctor's? Alone? Shouldn't someone be there for support?" he asked.

        I shrugged. "It's fine, really."

        Marcos looked at me for a second, and then suddenly I was pushed into the limo and Marcos climbed in as well. I should've definitely expected this. It's Marcos after all.

        "TO LENA'S DOCTOR," Marcos exclaimed pointing his finger into the air with a thrust. Max chuckled and ignited the engine. God, I love my best friend.


        I remember when I was in middle school, and I had just learned how babies were made. Sixth grade health class was the worst, bringing about new revelations. After that, everything changed. When my teacher left on maternity leave I knew she had had.. and the images were quite disturbing. Or when I'm with my friends and their parents and suddenly have to remeber they had sexual intercourse in order to create them. I wonder if people will see my and my stomach and picture me. I don't want that. I don't even want to picture other people, it's a reflex. A really, really annoying reflex. I always worried about how I'd tell my parents I was pregnant. Admitting to your parents you got naked with a guy and did stuff is awkward. Is this just me, or...?

        Marcos paced around the room nervously, making a sharp curve every time he turned. I don't know why he's so nervous. I'm the pregnant one, after all.

        "Lena! How nice to see you again!" Doctor Klein entered the room. She was pretty with shoulder-length brown hair and sparkling green eyes. She was a great doctor, and very to-the-point.

       Marcos cleared his throat and nodded his head over at her not so surreptitiously. I stifled a laugh at my best friend. He's such a guy.

       "Hi Doctor Klein, how are you? This is my friend Marcos. He insisted on coming with me today," I said and Marcos blushed nervously. They made small talk, and I could see my doctor was enjoying this. I think she and Marcos would be pretty cute together, though she just got out of a bad marriage. I hope I never have to go through divorce, that I'll get it right the first time. I found my soul mate, right? It was Mario. Or was it Lio after all? Mario's with Julia now anyway. Oh, I don't know.

      "So Lena, if you'd take a seat," Doctor Klein said pleasantly and I sat on a bed/chair thing. She asked me a few questions, before applying that lotion-creme to my stomach. Using the scanning thingy-majigity she moved it around my stomach. It was a cold sensation, causing me to shiver multiple times.

     "Here he is!" She finally said and a picture popped up on the screen. She pointed out the few features visible of the baby, and explained when he would develop what.

      "He's about a pound now, the size of a spaghetti squash," she said with a smile. I nodded and continued staring at the screen.

     There's a human being growing inside of me. In a few months, this boy will pop out and enter the world, and I'll be a mom. We still haven't figured out a name, but at last the "Jr." and "The second" suggestions are stopping. I began feeling guilty about the baby though. He's going to grow up believing Lio is his father, when that's a lie. I'll be lying to my child until I die. My fibs will carry on for eternity.

      I haven't even had the baby yet and I'm already a bad mother.

     A tear slipped form my eye and I tried wiping it away before anybody saw. THat plan failed.

      "Ohmygosh Lena, are you okay?" Marcos was at my side immediately. I nodded and faked a smile.

      "Yeah, I'm just so happy that I'm going to be a mom," I lied about ehy I was crying but he bought it. Marcos gave me a small smile and hugged me.

       "That's actually it for this check-up. Please, come back soon, and here's a complimentary booklet on pregnancy," Doctor Klein said. I winced at how insensitive she sounded, but she does have a lot of patients.

      Marcos and I said our good-byes and left the room. Marcos flipped through the booklet when we got into the waiting room and suddenly, his face broke out into a huge grin.

     "Hey Lena!' he exclaimed.

     "What?" I asked. He grinned cheekily.


      On the final page of the booklet was a ten digit number with "Call Me" written underneath.

Yay, I updated. If this chapter hits thirty likes this book will have 1,000 votes so I'm honestly really excited..

Trailer posted on side (it's realllyyy bad though)

I created another cover which is also on the side, but squashed into a square because wattpad. Should I change the cover? Please let me know.

I will be taking cover requests in case any of you are interested in a cover made for your story. They won't be amazing, and they'll be simplistic but I'll try to make them the best I can!

Just comment

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Thank you all :-) I love you so much.

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