Chapter Twenty

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Oh my apple bottom jeans... we've entered the twenties stage :0 :D. I would like to thank my mother and my father, who I hope NEVER read this xD.

I had publsihed this before, but the event seemed like somethign an author desperate for drama would write, so I changed it. Before it was a kidnapping by Felix the limo driver.. now it's something else- you'll see- and hate me oops.

Hugs & Disses


    "Are you sure you're okay?"

    "Yes, I'll be fine. I'm not five, darling."

    Lionel sighed and kissed my cheek.

    "Fine. Just don't have too much fun without me."

    "I wouldn't dream of it."

    All was well back in Leonal town- I never before realized how annoying our ship name is. Lina? Leno? Lenel? What?

    The fight we had was a few weeks ago, and I'm now 17 weeks pregnant. Lio and I have been visiting the doctor frequently, and our boy's been growing strong. He's about the size of a turnip right now, but he's developing well, without any problems.

     Lio is leaving for a game against Argentina, and I honestly couldn't be happy for some alone time. Just me and Netflix tonight- just me and my bae!

    The thing that I love about this house is the jacuzzi on the balcony, with a TV hanging out in front of it. The minute Lio left, I rushed upstairs and changed into a dark blue bikini. Once I was at the jacuzzi, I turned on the TV with the remote, and then used a Wii remote to find Netflix. 

Now..what to watch?

    After debating over How I Met your Mother, the Cupcake Wars, Supernatural, and Gossip Girl, I chose the latter and began watching.

        Three words. Eight letters, Say it and I'm yours

I thought about the quote, and how meaningless the word love seems to be nowadays. I see thirteen-year-olds on facebook say it all the time:

Happy one week anniversary Michael! I love you <3

Ugh, shoot me.

    I pressed play and sat back, scooping a spoon of Nutella into my mouth. The episode began playing, and I watched eagerly. I really pity Blair and Chuck- their ship name would either be Chair or Bluck, and I don't like either. I watched the show, and let my mind wander off into another world. After two-and-a-half hours, it was already dark outside, and my eyes felt heavy. I slowly drifted to sleep.


        I chime in, ahven't you people ever heard of, closing the goddamn door

        I cursed in my head as the ringing of my phone woke me up. I slowly sat up off thw water, grabbing my phone.

        "Hello?" I said, groggily.

        "Lena! We've been trying to reach you for hours! Come meet us at the club and party with us!" I recognized Sarah's voice. I let out a yawn and streched my arms.

        "Sorry Sar-bear, I'm realy tired," I said truthfully.

        "Lenaaa! Please come, I need you here!"

        "Why?" I mumbled.

        "Because... Bastian and I broke up."

        I immediately shot up.

Number Nineteen (Mario Götze/Goetze/Gotze)Where stories live. Discover now